July 27th, 2016



Hello all! I'm the newbie. My name is Taylor and I'm so excited to be joining the game!

I join you with this guy, Oliver Young. He hails from Seattle, WA, but moved to Maine back in 2011. He works as the Head Librarian at USM and is a total workaholic because he's nerdy like that. He's super sociable though and loves to be around people! He is a witch and specializes in potion making, specifically healing potions. He also has some nature-based abilities, like being able to manipulate earth and water as well as having a super basic ability to feel how an animal is feeling/calm it down/stuff like that. He's pretty advanced with his potions but the other stuff he's only so-so. He also has a younger sister (a line I'd love to have filled btw!)

So anyone who has anything to do with USM probably knows him or has at least seen him around, and as a book reading, coffee drinking member of society, if he's not in the library he's probably in the New District at a book store or coffee shop.

So if anyone has any ideas for lines I'm pretty open to anything!! You can contact me via AIM at oli_young, email at aquirkyreader@yahoo.com, or contact post here. Looking forward to playing with everyone! :)