July 4th, 2016




So, I'm Amanda and I'm bringing you two of my creations today. First is Ophelia Ryder. She's a witch, relatively upper middle class, British export who really misses being there. She's in college for art now, and living with her brother and his girlfriend now.

Second is Elizabeth Martel, French-Canadian who is just moving to the States for graduate/Law school. She's a siren, a bit sarcastic, pretty rich, and generally just very much not US born and bred so she can be a bit condescending at times.

Please, give me all the plots!



Hello! I'm Akiko. I have a new witch/worlock Evan Ryder. He's kinda an ass, but a complex one I hope. He firmly believes that those of magical background are superior and is glad that he can be more open about his superiority now that supernaturals are known to exist. He's English-born, but has actually lived in America for over a decade. He's studying international business working on his MBA.