Avengers Next: A PSL Next Gen Avengers Game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Avengers Next: A PSL Next Gen Avengers Game

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[25 Sep 2013|08:07am]
Who: Runa and Darcy
Where: Darcy's accomidations at the tour
When: Sometime after their talk
What: Bringing Darcy coffee and finally meeting her mother
Rating: Um...Darcy's mouth makes it high I suppose

Runa had dreamed of her mother for as long as she could remember. )
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[Reposting the completed log. Backdated, of course :)] [25 Sep 2013|05:05pm]
WHO : Torunn and Thor
WHEN: After her arrival in the past
WHERE: SHIELD Helicarrier
RATING: Mild.... PG at best
STATUS: Complete

Time to find her family and figure out what in the name of Odin happened here. )
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[25 Sep 2013|07:04pm]
Who: Thunder I and Thunder II
When: After their arrival at Avenger Central
Where: Stark Tower
Rating: Most likely G-PG
Status: In Progress

Thor brings clothes. And questions. )
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