Avengers Next: A PSL Next Gen Avengers Game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Avengers Next: A PSL Next Gen Avengers Game

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[24 Sep 2013|12:07am]
WHO: Mac Coulson, and free to a good home!
WHEN: After his arrival in the past.
WHERE: Stark/Avengers Tower penthouse.
STATUS: In progress.

The next minute, Doom's Machine-of-the-Week turned on, and reality tore itself apart and sucked everything in. Oh good. Life had been a little too normal lately. )
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[24 Sep 2013|03:31am]
WHO : Katsurou Romanoff and Aleksandr Barnes
WHEN: Alek’s turn to show up
WHERE: Avengers Tower
STATUS: In progress.

It couldn’t be… )
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