May 21st, 2019




Who: Nick and Nat
What: Nat makes sure nu!SHIELD is on the up and up
When: A few weeks ago
Rating: Green

Yes, this place was a cover. A damn good cover and perfect for Fury that is if anyone else knew about the inside joke )




Who: Thor and Sif
What: Reunion!
When: Friday 10 May or thereabouts? right after her arrival.
Where: Asgardian compound
Warnings: None, Green, no spoilers

Sif was just one more thing that he was thrilled to have again ... )




Who: Bruce Banner & Bobbi Morse
What: Bobbi's getting a physical. Bruce is oblivious, as usual.
When: This afternoon
Rating/Warnings: Green/no warnings other than some spoilers for Endgame

~+~+~+~ )




Who: Thor, Peter Parker, and NPC May Parker
What: Thor joins the Parkers for some Thai food
When: Super super backdated right after Peter's first network post
Rating/Warnings: Green

Is this a tradition of yours? )




Who: Peter Parker
What: Peter remembers and wishes he hadn’t
When: May 19
Rating/Warnings: Red for death/loss, Endgame spoilers

Part of Peter knew what was going to happen before it did.  )