Tuesday, July 1st, 2014

Hello everyone!!

So surefire way to tell that Megan is no longer being turned into a walking-talking-retail-zombie...she has another character! That's right, this time I bring you a student in the form of Mikhail Rasputin, son of Piotr "Colossus" Rasputin and Kitty "Shadowcat" Pryde. Mikhail has been at N.A. for the past 2 years, before that living back in Siberia with his father living the quiet life until their farm got absolutely destroyed by a very angry mob of people who really were not the number one fans of anyone with superpowers.

Anyway so onto Mr. Rasputin, he's big...very big...bigger when he's transformed into his steel-like state (oh you know...just over 7 foot transformed...), and he doesn't always have control of his long limbs so he's sorry if he knocks into anyone on accident. He's a good kid, but he's kind of stuck at a cross roads at the moment. After he finished up his senior year this year he's been talking about taking steps to join the Sentries, but...lesser known...he'd probably rather go to art school. That's right, Mikhail has some serious talent, so it's probably not uncommon for him to be sitting somewhere on the ground just sketching away with whatever comes to mind.

Ummm...golly, I'm having issues thinking at the moment probably means I need more sleep, so here is the rest of his personality, history and powers and whatnot.


(J.D. and Mikhail).
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Monday, June 16th, 2014

Hi there!

So, I'm back...because work took mercy on me and I'm no longer closing every single night, and so basically that means I'm not a walking talking zombie selling bubble bath.

Which now that I'm no longer that, I'm totally in the mood for some threads! Would anyone be interested in one with perhaps either Mr. Rhodes or Ms. Harlow?

I hope you all are having a fabulous start to your week!

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Saturday, June 7th, 2014

Hey everyone!!

So just a quick heads up that I might be a wee bit scarce this next week. Got a 50 hour work week lined up on top of some family stuff I'll probably get dragged into. However, getting dragged into it is a good thing because yesterday morning I became an Aunt!! So yay for that!!!

But I just thought I'd let y'all know what's going on.

Much love!!

(Harlow and J.D.).
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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014

Hello everyone!

Just thought I'd take a moment to introduce my new kiddo here before I have to run out and finish shopping for the baby shower of doom that's on Saturday. Anyway! So, this is Harlow, the daughter of Hela and no one really seems to know (not even sure Hela remembers at this point...). Harlow is currently the Classic Lit one teacher, after a jaunt with X-Factor, which came after being "dragged" around the Nine Realms by Magni, which came after being banished from her mother's domains (Hel and Niflheim) all because she ended up saving Magni after her mother and Sedna (an Inuit goddess of death) left him for dead after stealing his powers. Kind of dramatic right?

Well, thankfully, she's really not the "dramatic" type. Actually, she comes across more of an ice queen than anything else. Though to tell the truth, she's really not that icy, she's just not exactly an open book. Actually, by the time she arrives at NAA, she's warmed up quite a bit. She's approachable for sure, and will talk to just about anyone, she's just not going to be the insta-bff type (you know...like another character I have...). Currently she's not a member of the Sentries, but I'm totally open to her joining up down the road, right now she just kind of wants a small break from all of that and be able to enjoy taking a small breather. She's a warrior for sure, but she's getting a little burnt out. Harlow just wants to teach, read, eat tacos, and "save" Magni's coffee in new and creative ways. To which I'm sure she'll get bored and feel the need for more action and adventure shortly. =p

Anyway, I'm really not great at intros and this is probably not well explained, so HERE is the rest of her info, so hit me with what you got as far as connections and whatnot!

(J.D. and Harlow)
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Monday, April 7th, 2014

Hello everyone!!

So I'm Megan and this guy *points to the icon* eating the presumed jello is Jackson Rhodes...also knows as J.D., Jack, Stonewall, and/or Rhodey's kid. To which he will answer to any and all of those. Though, he'd really not answer to that last one. Since, well, he thinks he's done enough at this point to distinguish himself from dear old dad (to which he says that with a certain level of affection since Rhodey is an awesome dad.). Anyway! Onto J.D.! He's a pretty cool dude, a fighter pilot by nature and career and kind of obsessed with flying. He's been in the Air Force since he graduated from the Academy...forever ago, and has just been promoted in the last few months to the rank of Major. [Insert any "Major Roads" jokes here...because he's making them.] For quite a while not he's been balancing the life between his military career and being Stonewall - which is essentially an upgraded version of War Machine- and now is shifting into the role of being a liaison between the Sentries and the Armed Forces. And as much as he likes what he does, he does miss going out into the field as much as he used to.

I am really not that great at introductions, and I'm kind of blanking on what else I should say. Other than he's been good pals with Miranda Stark for the longest time and loves Luka like a younger cousin so there's that too! Ummm....the rest of his info is here! and shhh I should probably get back to work and not actually post this, but bah! Fun times are ahead!!

The only other thing I can think of is that if you don't see me on aim (megsrevolution) please feel free to shoot me an email (megisms [@]gmail.com]! I can't always get on at night (yaaaay retail!), but I'm usually pretty good at responding to emails if I'm not sleeping!

I look forward to playing with all of you guys!!

Megan & J.D.
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