Sunday, October 26th, 2014


Jessi here, with two newbies.

[info]galvanic might look familiar. I decided to rework Obie. Obie is no more. We have Taima (Ta-EE-ma) now, and I'm giving the Storm/Forge kid another shot. Taima is quiet, has a lot of plants, a lot of tattoos, and a lot of time on her hands. She'll be close to any X-Men kids, though she did live in Wakanda for a bit. She's been at New Avalon for about a year now, and she's teaching History of Mutants/Metahumans.

[info]gauntletthrown is Regina Stark, sister of Luka, daughter of Tony and Pepper. She's stuck up and rich and lives in the city right now. She'll be moving to New Avalon at some point. She doesn't have a job but she does fly around the city stopping robberies in her own suit of armor. She'll know the Avengers kids~ Friends, please?

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Sunday, October 19th, 2014


So I was kind of gone the past two weeks, I was in a funk. But I'm back now!

Would anyone like a log with these here fine characters?
Danielle Cage
Louis Lebeau (getting a power boost)
Janis Jones (getting powers idk what yet)
Phil McCoy (getting a power boost)
Nona Rasputina (getting a power boost)

(I'm dropping Obie so I can reapp him as a revamped character, sorry guys)

hit me up here or on one of my character journals, I'm up for anything!
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Thursday, September 18th, 2014

hey, this is Janis Jones. She's Rick Jones' daughter (so she'll be close to Steve Roger's kids? Eh eh?)

She's living in sin with Dave Samson, who should be introduced shortly. She has no powers, other than running in high heels. That's hard shit.
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Monday, September 8th, 2014

someone respond to Obie, pls
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Friday, August 29th, 2014

hi this is Jessi and THIS is Obie Munroe.

  • His mom is Storm, his dad is Forge.
  • He was raised as an X-Baby, so if you're a kid of one of the X-Men, you will know Obie.
  • He's 33.
  • His power is electricity manipulation. He's shocking
  • He teachers Mutant/Metahuman History
  • He had a Serious Relationship with someone in college, if anyone wants to steal that spot
  • He's not a Sentry or a vigilante.
  • (38 comments | Leave a comment)

    Thursday, August 21st, 2014

    I have an addiction.

    Anyhoo, this is Helana Bloodstone, daughter of Werewolf By Night (what a codename) and Elsa Bloodstone. She's a monster hunter but will be teaching world history. She's setting up camp at New Avalon because she heard there's a guy who's being possessed by a God and that could be grounds to Slay Him. We'll see.

    And then there's [info]sorcerously, who is Illyana Rasputin and Belasco's child. She's got magic that she doesn't know how to use and teleportation that she doesn't LIKE to use. And she's possessed by a demon. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. She's a student! WHERE ALL MY BABIES AT?
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    Thursday, August 7th, 2014

    Hey, I'm on a roll here!

    this is Phil McCoy. I know some of you might remember him (WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE). Those of you who don't, his info is here: [info]amongbeasts.

    He's Alex's big brother and one of Jack's exes (ONE OF MANY moohaha).

    He also likes long walks off short piers and listening to classic rock. IDK HERE HE IS.
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    I have returned! Shower me with plots.
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    Thursday, July 31st, 2014

    I'll be out of town until the 7th. If you need me, shoot me an email or comment on one of my journals. Thanks <3
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    Sunday, July 27th, 2014

    Hey hey hey, it's Jessi and I got two more coming in.

    [info]thresholds is Louis LeBeau and his parents are Rogue and Gambit. He teaches Home Ec and is very motherly despite lacking certain parts to be a mother. That's okay. He can't feel pain, either. But he can take away other's pain. The whole "not feeling pain" thing kind of makes him feel weird and he'll brood in the corner from time to time. He's Rogue's baby, of course he's going to be a little moody.

    and then there's [info]arachnephobia! May Parker, who is Peter Parker and MJ Watson's kid. She's kind of like Mark's cousin and gallivants around at night as Spider-Woman. She can also talk to spiders so you might catch her talking to herself occasionally. She's also really flirty and will probably hit on you if she hasn't yet already.

    Give me your plots! Friendships, family, old flames, anything!
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    Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

    Hey hey hey, my name is Jessi and yes I needed to say hey three times.

    I'm bringing in Danielle Cage. All her info is here. She's going to be living with Jack and looking for a job.

    HOLLA AT YOUR GIRL! She is looking to join X-Factor (following in mom's footsteps) or perhaps start up Heroes For Hire. Among other plotty things.

    In conclusion, hello, give me your plots.
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