Saturday, October 11th, 2014

what? another character?!?

This is Carla but, more importantly, THIS IS ABBY! Abby is the daughter of Jamie Madrox and Layla Miller so she got the weird end of the mutant gene spectrum: you see, she's actually omnipresent. Technically, Abigail is a psychic consciousness that is spread over the entire planet, existing all at the same time. From her app: as Abby has been able to describe it, it's like having the television on and being aware of the TV playing in the other room while washing dishes in the kitchen. The TV represents the rest of the world; she's following the story of what's happening in multiple different places, but can only really concentrate on a limited viewpoint when its distant. She can't interact with it, she can't effect it, and because it's in her brain, she can't share it with others (telepaths are an exception).

So it's a little like teleportation as she can physically manifest anywhere, it's a little like a "spidey sense" as she kinda has eyes in the back of her head, but it's a lot like Ceiling Cat. Make of this what you will.

She also used to be an Avenger! She's a survivor of District X, came back under Marvel to get the revenge and now she works for X-Factor Investigations as sort of a "long distance Private Investigator". She'll be back in town as she knows the wee baby Rogers is here and she probably has an expense account to settle up at the office.

If you want clarification on her powers, her history, her likes and dislikes or EVEN BETTER would like to add to any of those categories, please leave a message below in the comments! YAY.
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Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Heyo, Carla here: In order to make things a little easier as not everyone is cool with emails and whatnot, all of my characters now have a Contact Post. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about my characters or RP. Anonymous commenting is also on, so feel free to be honest. Thank you.
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Sunday, September 28th, 2014


Hello! Hope you all had a wonderful week, let's introduce some new characters, shall we? )
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Saturday, September 20th, 2014

Okay, here's the deal:

The Mister and I are headed into court for rather serious reasons and my mind hasn't exactly been on Pretendy Fun Time games at the moment. So yeah, I'm going to have to take another hiatus (another one?) and beg off the game developments until next week, hopefully by Set. 28th everything will behind us and we'll have detoxed from the whole situation.

I will do my best to tag and wrapp up as much as I can but feel free to NPC any of my characters as needed. Is this a terrible time to bring in a new character? WHY YES IT IS. If the mods would rather I put Dave away for the time being and app him another time, Janis can NPC him until I get back. Apologies to Bear but I might not be able to swing BB in Sept. as planned.
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Thursday, September 11th, 2014

While we wait for BB's return at the end of the month, I blame too much Warren Ellis and Si Spurrier for this!

Hi, I'm Carla (again!) and this is Nigel. He's a science bastard.
Long story short: Psylocke and Fantomex had a baby that was kidnapped and taken to the edge of reality by Jamie Braddock, Betsy's crazy brother. A little science, a little reality fudging (and some secret, deep seeded Weapon Plus programming) give you Nigel. He has a sphere of influence around himself that can alter reality to his will! He's got a doctorate in Physics and will tell you endlessly about it! He's made up of bits and has two brains and tastes color.

More can be found here. Ideas? Connections? Or is this just going to be one of those things I giggle to myself endlessly about? =D
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Wednesday, August 27th, 2014

brief hiatus

My deepest apologies for not getting to this sooner, but I'm afraid I'm not going to be as available from today, Aug. 27th to about Sunday, Aug. 31st. I'm going to hop on the activity check ASAP once real life has slowed down, but I'm sort of half here until then. I know I have a two scenes with Kait that are almost done, the McCoy sibling luncheon for Jessi and Alex, there's a Pella scene for Jo that I think just got started? And is Isaac still in his interview?

If there's anything missing, please leave a comment below and I'll pop it right on the to-do list. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope to get back in the swing of things shortly.
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Tuesday, August 19th, 2014

A New Challenger!

Hello, Carla here with Oxy Clean! yet another one of these guys (hey, I gotta play catch up!).

This is Isaac Pym and he kind of just wrote himself when I wasn't looking. He's Milo's brother and got the other end of the Pym particle spectrum to grow really really big and look a little like Captain America! He's one of those all American good looking heroic types who spends most of his time overseas with charitable organizations and doing good works before he dies.

Oh yes. He's dying. The Pym particles in his system will kill him before he's 30! And that's not even counting who his real dad is!

Go check out the good stuff here and let me know if you got ideas or designs on this guy in the comments below. =)
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Thursday, August 7th, 2014

I told you there would be one more!

Hi again! This is still Carla but this, this is BB.

She's normal.

The youngest McCoy at age 14, she's coming in from boarding school because she blackmailed her parents into letting her go to the cool school where the cool people go and her brothers hang out even though she could just as easily attend regular high school.

I honestly don't know who's going to know her outside of family and guardianship, etc. so... thoughts? A small idea of who she is is here, but yeah. Enjoy the Marilyn Munster of the school, as well as my dated reference that should make people wary about me playing a 14 year old. =)
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Monday, August 4th, 2014

don't worry, there's just like one more of these, I swear


I'm Carla and this is MATT. You see, I got some good news and bad news. The good news is that Matt's here! He's the son of Elektra and the Punisher! This is a thing that happened! Sadly, Matt never met his dad as his mom was an emotional cripple who liked to stab people, so he grew up in THE HAND! You know, ninjas? Red outfits, super sneaky, plagued everyone? Yeah, those guys. Well, they're all gone now (some summer event book happened, took 12 issues to say what they could have in 6, the tie-ins were pretty cool) and so now Matt has thrown in with the Egyptian God, Khonshu. Because that's a thing you can do in the Marvel Universe. And now he's Moon Knight.

Sound pretty good? Well, here's the bad news: not many people are going to know him off the bat. =( He's got to meet his sister first and hopefully she can lead him to a better life of not letting an ancient god go joyriding in your skin and then he can meet everyone and yeah. So.

Want to know more? Try here! Got any plot ideas? Leave them below in the comments!
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Saturday, August 2nd, 2014

Hola! Carla here and this is Stephanie!

Stephanie Walters will be your adorable, pint-sized Classical Literature teacher and fellow crime-fighter on the Sentries! She's the daughter of She-Hulk and Hercules when a sham marriage turned into something more serious (everyone thank Hera). She's cute and fun and likes monster trucks and sparkles and is generally a likeable little lady...

...until she's mad, in which she loses her goddamned mind. Between the gamma radiation and the demi-god's temper it's an ugly scene that will most likely do some major property damage. But hey! *Sparkles!* *^.^*

She's been teaching at the school for a few years, been on the Sentries the moment they'd let her, honestly and is another returning graduate of New Avalon (class of 2004, ya'll!), so plots, comments, sparkles, anything you got just drop them off in the comments below.
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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014

It's been awhile...

Okay, deep breath: Hi. I'm Carla and this is Jackass is John Creed, the son of Sabretooth and yes, that is as messed up as you might think it is. He has an interesting little twist in that he's telepathic, but can only share his own insanity/feral inclinations when he contacts someone's mind. So there's that problem. His father also hunts him for sport from time to time too, so yeah. Good times. He'll be assisting Pella Castle with PE, so expect to play Dodgeball with a wrench from time to time.

More can be found here, I promise it's a short and engaging read (five stars on Amazon!) so feel free to check him out. I can be best contacted through gmail (also on the application) and on comments on this very post right here! Questions, comments, concerns, name it.

EDIT: because I had HTML fail
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