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New Avalon: Out of Character

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plot discussion: rescue [10 Apr 2015|09:28pm]
Hey, folks! The internet at our house today is being a real problem but we're on log enough to post this. Today, for the Sentries, there was a mission:

Sentries Mission: Rescue

The Sentries are directed toward an Order base on Staten Island by SHIELD and tasked with arresting its inhabitants. They find the Order camped out in a building fronted by a laundromat and rescue a psychic from their custody. The rescued psychic is taken in by SHIELD, to be given medical and psychiatric treatment. (To recap: "The Order" is the subset within SHIELD responsible for Steven's brainwashing and other aggressive tactics that SHIELD proper shouldn't condone.)

The Order is a human organization, which means the Sentries are facing down men with guns and other SHIELD-grade tech weapons (smoke bombs, etc). There are twelve of them camped out with the psychic and conducting their business, and two of them have enhanced cybernetic/physiological upgrades that make them significantly harder to beat.

It's pretty straightforward and leads into a larger plot, so I don't think anything will go to wrong, but the comments section here is for listing anything that may have happened or who was there and/or wasn't there, if anyone was hurt, etc.

♥! If you guys are up for a group thread or sub threads in aftermath, super, but I figure we can chat about it in the OOC before we get onto the main event (which starts on Monday, so look for another plot post soon).

MEME TIME! [10 Apr 2015|09:49pm]
Anniversay Development Meme )

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