New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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ASK ME ANYTHING! [20 Mar 2015|12:15am]

AMA! )

[20 Mar 2015|07:16pm]

I have an announcement: I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

After four long months of searching in this town, I finally got a job.

Good news: It's part time, with consistent hours so I know when I'll be unavailable
Bad news: I will be less available than you know, the near 24/hrs I've been available.
Good news: I shouldn't be too slow but when I start (in two weeks) you may see a big drop in my availability.

LOVE YOU ALL and I should still be around frequently enough, so never fear! Jordan will still be here!

[ viewing | March 20th, 2015 ]
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