New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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[27 Nov 2014|07:47pm]

It's been pretty quiet the last couple of weeks and haven't been on AIM too much, but it's the start of the holiday season and I know for my part, I've been in a work/video game coma for a while and struggling to focus. HOWEVER, I'd love to know what all your characters did for Thanksgiving or what plans were going on so they can come up IC!

  • Who spent Thanksgiving with whom?

  • Any embarrassing stories that'll go around for years to come?

  • Any culinary disasters?

  • Any fights?

  • Any drunken makeout sessions?

  • Etc etc!

Much love and a happy Thanksgiving to anyone celebrating it! We'll be back in swing soon, but expect things to be slow during December, so we're actually going to move the time travel plot to January just so we can get our footing again. :)

I'm up for logs/threads/etc - I'm working nights this weekend and won't be around a ton but I'd love to feel like I'm getting back into the swing just by chatting. :)

Love you guys!
♥ kaity

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