New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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dropped characters [02 Jul 2014|03:36pm]
Dropped Characters:
» Logan Lopez / Instinct [info]trustmygut (Jaclyn)
» Miranda Stark [info]betterthaniwas (Jaclyn)
» Magni Thorson [info]struckbythunder (Jaclyn)
» Sam Rogers / Liberty [info]take_a_stand (Jaclyn)
» Harlow Helasdotter [info]allabitgray (Megan)
» Charlotte Coulson [info]fightwithwords (Chele)

Retcons! [02 Jul 2014|04:47pm]
With the recent drops, a few things had to be rewritten to compensate for their absence. And lo, come the character retcons. These are the ones the mods know of; please feel free to use this post to discuss any significant changes related to recent character drops.

» Marvel Kaplan became Justice II instead, mimicking Owen's powerset through the use of a power suit. As Justice, Marvel led the Avengers for almost a year before being exposed in May 2010. He avoided incarceration for his crime by the skin of his teeth (and more than a little legal nepotism).

» Jes Rogers took over after Marvel was booted and led the Avengers under the name Liberty. During her stint as Liberty, she wore a version of the Captain America suit and held the vibranium SHIELD once Owen passed it on to her. She was active from June 2010 to January 2013, when she passed the Avengers over to a new leader and returned to SHIELD full time as Warbird. She's still a registered superhero, but her professional attachment to SHIELD frees her from some of the position's obligations (re:zoning, alerts, etc.) because of that commitment.

#3 [02 Jul 2014|09:22pm]
Hello all!

This is Neko, here with my third character. Meet Acacia Braddock, the daughter of Psylocke and Fantomex, though her father is only an unconfirmed rumor right now.

Acacia is a psionic telekinetic like her mother, all big power and specializing in weapons with ninjutsu training. She is a low level SHIELD agent working her way up
, working as a spy or assassin, depending on what is needed of her. She isn't very heartless or blood thirsty and doesn't believe in violence in excess, and actually has a pretty high moral code, considering. She is better understood in her bio, so feel free to go give her a better look. :-)

new characters [02 Jul 2014|09:42pm]
New Characters:
Acacia Braddock / Psy [info]psynotpsylocke (Neko)
Derrick Dane-Summers / Mayhem [info]mayhemfire (Jeka)

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