New Avalon: Out of Character's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
New Avalon: Out of Character

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new characters [08 May 2014|12:12am]
New Characters:
» Emmerson Lebeau / Ms. Kinetic [info]likeatimebomb (Callie)
» Riley Drake / Vulcan [info]imakeithot (Callie)

[08 May 2014|12:19am]
So. Before I pass out. Here is Numero Dos:

Riley Drake. Student; 18. Dillan Drake's Twin brother. Codename: Vulcan. Powers: Microwave energy creation/manipulation, thermokinesis, flight (using the heat waves), and spontaneous combustion. (Just like his mama)

Personality: Simple, Nice, Guy's Guy, Honest, Loyal, Energetic, Easy to Please, Stubborn at times, Selfless, Feels Average, Flirty in an adorable way, Athletic, Video Gamer, AMAZEBALLS. ;)

Riley needs ALL THE THINGS. And I demand Glee-face camaraderie at some point; no matter how much older they are <3

[08 May 2014|12:23am]
I owe a BUNCH of you tags and I'm super sorry I didn't hit them earlier. Aunt Flo hit me like a bat to the stomach out of nowhere (TMI but she hasn't visited in a long time so this is unusual) and I've been way too tired/crabby/in pain to turn out anything good. I should be back up on my game now, though, and I'm tagging everything I owe tonight.

You guys are awesome for being patient, thank you. <333

Love, Jo

new characters [08 May 2014|09:57pm]
New Characters:
Vic Altman / Druid [info]druidical (Bear)
Caylie Gwynn / Titania [info]lilgumshoe (Bear)

[08 May 2014|10:08pm]

FOR SOME REASON (don't ask me why), I automatically assumed that Kait was updating the housing page, but I made that decision without telling because, because I'm terrible. Expect all of your (horribly, horribly overdue) housing requests to be seen to in the next couple of hours.

- Jo

introduction [08 May 2014|10:52pm]
Hi everyone! I'm Bear, and I'll be piloting Vic Altman here. He's the younger child of Wiccan and Hulkling and [info]livingforever's little brother.

Vic's a nice guy, recently getting over some major inferiority issues with his older sibling. A little hesitant at first, but lonely and eager to connect with people. He's just started teaching Contemp Lit at the Academy. He's also a member of the Sentries, and also the Defenders (woot woot!), but that's not common knowledge (though also not a strict secret). He has a dog. You want to pet his dog.

I'm still getting settled, but say hi if you see me on AIM. :D

[ viewing | May 8th, 2014 ]
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