
Welcome to where, exactly? Well, that depends on the luck of the draw for you. Either you've been magically zapped from your world to the United States of Auradon or you've had the bad luck to have been plopped onto the Isle of the Lost. Either way, the place that you call "home" is nowhere to be seen, friends and family absent, replaced with either castles and fairy tale-like beauty...or goblins, run-down and dusty shoppes, and castles of a different, more sinister design. Figure out where you belong in this new world - are you friend and foe? And just who are you friend or foe to? Will you help bring about the destruction of Auradon, helping evil to rise again or will you choose the good fight? It all starts with π‘œπ“ƒπ’Έπ‘’ π“Šπ“…π‘œπ“ƒ 𝒢 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒...

Out Of Character

This is the out of character (OOC) community. Please use this for any notes of absence, hiatuses, plotting ideas - anything out of character that you can think of goes here!

Posts Tagged: 'player:+rachel'

May. 18th, 2021



Okay, so I know I said I might need to take some time to catch up on Uni work. And, I think I can definitely say that I am definitely going to take the next week or two to do that. Because I am finding all kinds of ways to procrastinate instead. Which I should stop doing. And my brain can only concentrate on so much these days.

I finally have an appointment with my new Endocrinologist (moving areas during a pandemic, do not recommend with long term health conditions) at the end of July. So, there's light at the end of the low energy tunnel...I hope.

I'll probably pop in occasionally, and I've muted chat for now, just for my own sanity. But, if you need me for anything, I'm still around on discord.

See you on the other side. I'll probably look at characters I've discussed picking up with people then. And probably a Descendants character or two. So, feel free to enable me in the mean time.

(Bolin, Jaina Solo, Josie Saltzman, Rory Williams & Xander Harris)

May. 11th, 2021



Just a heads up, that I have changed Bolin's PB from Harry Shum Jnr to Ross Butler. Just because I think his hair and face shape fits him better.

That is all. Please feel free to go about your business.


May. 9th, 2021



Hey y'all.

This here is Jaina Solo from the Star Wars Legends books. She's 19 (technically 20 since it's their birthday), the daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa and a jedi. She's a badass pilot and a pretty handy mechanic, which with her bloodline should surprise no one, really. She's also Jacen's twin.

I'm also going to say she arrived last night, because it was their birthday yesterday and that's funnier. And Jacen came to find her on the isle once he sensed her through the Force.

She also has some previous game history via [info]revolt, where she was in future New York. So, she's not new to the multi-verse or magic, just Auradon.

I also know that the previous Jaina just left, so am happy to discuss any friendships that people may have had with her before. Otherwise, I would also love new plots!

Edited to add: She's also rooming with Rose Hathaway. And will probably end up working with the mechanics/tech guys.

May. 7th, 2021



Hey guys!

This is mostly just a warning that I may end up disappearing for a while in the next few weeks. I've fallen behind on my Uni work because Mental Health sucks, and I really need to catch up sooner rather than later, so that I don't get too far behind and stress out when my next assignment is due.

I'll pop in here and there, just my energy levels are currently limited so I may not always be able to keep up with tags. I am going to try and catch up on the tags I owe over the weekend though.

(Bolin, Josie Saltzman, Rory Williams & Xander Harris)

Apr. 19th, 2021



Hey guys!

Sorry that I kinda just disappeared for the last week. I kinda fell down an anxiety and stress hole. Work was kinda crazy and stressful. I have an assignment due for Uni, which I already got an extension on, and then my Mum was taken to hospital at the weekend (she's okay, just precautionary).

So, it's kinda all just piled on all at once.

I realise that I kinda let the whole Xander seeing the monsters thing slide, as well as his arrival. So, I hope no one minds if I backdate that a little bit?

(Josie Saltzman, Bolin, Rory Williams, Xander Harris)

Apr. 1st, 2021



Hey Hey!

This is Rachel returning, hopefully for good this time.

I bring four awesome characters for your plotting pleasure.

Firstly, this is Josie Saltzman from the Vampire Diaries spin off Legacies. She was here before in the summer. I've brought her from the end of Season 2, like she was before. Just, she literally went home for maybe five minutes before ending up back here again. She's...been through a lot lately. And just wants a normal life. So, she'll probably be trying her hardest to be a normal student, and avoid magical things. She's in the Girls Dorms at Auradon Prep, currently by herself, which is new for her.

Next up, is Bolin [info]nuktuk, from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. For those that don't know the series, Bolin has what they call "Earthbending", which basically means he can control the earth, throw it around etc. He is also one of the few people who can lavabend. Which is as awesome as it sounds. His best friend is Pabu, who is a fire ferret, who is with him. He's from the end of Book 3, so is 17 and therefore going to Auradon Prep. He's in the boys dorms with Billy Kaplan.

Then we have Rory Williams lj user="gdmangoestowar">, of Doctor Who fame. He's a nurse, married to Amy Pond, father of River Song and a companion of the Doctor. He has died so many times, he almost always expects to come back. He's from Angels Take Manhattan, because that always amuses me. He will be shouting a bit about where the hell is his wife, though. Possibly AT The Doctor once he finds the TARDIS.

And, finally there's Xander Harris [info]demonmagnet. Buffy's BFF and a general clown. Laughs in the face of danger, before hiding. Although, does less of the hiding these days. Can actually kick ass, and is very handy with a crossbow. And, has just arrived after ruining his own wedding to Anya, and running away instead.


Aug. 9th, 2020



Hey guys!

This is Rachel with her third. Here have Kristoff from the Frozen Movies. He's from right after the events of Frozen II, and still very much in love with Anna. He's also more used to people and being social than he was in the frist movie. So is a bit less gruff than he used to be.

He has also arrived with Sven, because he can't really be separated from him. Although Sven is living in the stables.

Jul. 26th, 2020



Hey everyone!

Sorry that I joined and then bascially disappeared. I got a stomach bug, or food poisoning, or something, and it wiped me. Once of the joys of my crappy immune system is it seems to take me forever to recover from any kind of illness, even if it's only a minor thing.

I'm still not feeling 100%, but seem to actually have a working brain. So, I'm going to try and get on with things.


Jul. 16th, 2020




I'm Rachel and I'm new. Although I think I know most of you from somewhere or another. For those that don't know me, I'm in the UK, so on GMT/BST, and will do most of my RP at weekends, as I can sometimes be too wiped during the week to do much.

Anyway, I'm bringing you Eliot Waugh here from The Magicians. He's from the end of Season 5, is aloof and confident, but also extremely theatrical in his mannerisms. He's also a complete hedonist, and loves a good party. Although, he just got over being possessed, so has a few extra issues right now. He'll be living with Erik Lensherr.

Also, if anyone has Magicians muses, I would love to see them!

I also have Josie Saltzman [info]caretoomuch from Legacies. She's the twin sister to Lizzie and daughter of Caroline. She's from the end of Season 2, so is coming to terms with stuff that she's done. And does not currently have her siphoning power. Otherwise, normally she'll be able to siphon magic from any object or person who is even remotely magical, including most supernaturals. She'll be living with her crazy extended family.

Plots are love!

Apr. 22nd, 2019



player tags master
