
Welcome to where, exactly? Well, that depends on the luck of the draw for you. Either you've been magically zapped from your world to the United States of Auradon or you've had the bad luck to have been plopped onto the Isle of the Lost. Either way, the place that you call "home" is nowhere to be seen, friends and family absent, replaced with either castles and fairy tale-like beauty...or goblins, run-down and dusty shoppes, and castles of a different, more sinister design. Figure out where you belong in this new world - are you friend and foe? And just who are you friend or foe to? Will you help bring about the destruction of Auradon, helping evil to rise again or will you choose the good fight? It all starts with ๐‘œ๐“ƒ๐’ธ๐‘’ ๐“Š๐“…๐‘œ๐“ƒ ๐’ถ ๐“‰๐’พ๐“‚๐‘’...

Out Of Character

This is the out of character (OOC) community. Please use this for any notes of absence, hiatuses, plotting ideas - anything out of character that you can think of goes here!

Nov. 24th, 2020



Guys. I meant to post this sooner but I was too busy fighting with my company. And, ya, know, hyperfixating on stuff.

I am going on hiatus cause... covid. We have an increase cases in our area and techs are getting tested right and left.

I need to call my dad tonight and tell him Thanksgiving is off for sure since I don't want to endanger him or my brother.

Tbh I am just waiting on stuff to catch fire now.


Nov. 15th, 2020



Similar to Lena, I have a different flavour of Loki here who's pretty much just swapped with the Loki who was here before and is Not Having A Good Time, having come straight from Infinity War.

He's going to be very confused but he won't be hostile unless you're hostile to him, in which case - expect sass and the attitude of the cornered animal that he is right now!

I've had a lot happen in the past week but weirdly I just want the escape rn from roleplay, I've just been stuck in bed with chronic illness stuff but I am absolutely down for plotting things.

Nov. 14th, 2020



Hi, friends!

It's Lena, bringing y'all a Thor. He's coming from near the end of Infinity War, but before his confrontation with Thanos and the ensuing snap. If anyone wants to tell him how that went down, please be gentle, because I'd like to avoid a depression spiral since the real world is depressing enough lol

Anyway, he's in Guest 18 with Loki. I have no idea where I'll put him for a job, but it will be likely in the area of security or something, WHO KNOWS THO. He will be happy to see some of his Avenger buddies are around and extra happy to see Loki alive.

Anyway, please love him because he is The Best.

Nov. 11th, 2020




Hi, y'all,
Just a heads up that I am probably going to be a little MIA this month (as I know I already have been anyway) between medical stuff and the fact that things at work are crazy and probably will continue to be so at least through open enrollment periods (aka early to mid December). I'm going to try to pop in and get some things done this weekend, but overall I am just going to call this a hiatus/slowatus. ๐Ÿ’œ If you need me or mine, I will be around via Discord or email, just shoot me a link, etc.

xoxo, Lena

(this is x-posted, so sorry if you are seeing it multiple times!)

Oct. 11th, 2020



new characters!

Sup, Auradon. It's Lena with two new characters. :)

This guy here is FINN, former storm-trooper and (force-sensitive!) resistance now-leader, BFF to Rey and Poe and all around awesome dude. He arrived at the Slop Shop and he and Rey found each other pretty quickly, so she'll be filling him in before he pops up on the network. He's in #16 with Damien Thorn. Finn is a pretty friendly guy, so please love him. You can read his app here.

My other newbie is LUCIFER MORNINGSTAR from the DCTV show Lucifer. Yes, he is the actual, literal devil, fallen angel, guardian of hell. He also happens to be a nightclub owner and consultant to the LAPD back home, because, yes, the devil is great at solving crimes. His moral compass is sometimes a little, uh, busted, but his heart is usually in the right place. He's going to be a terrible influence and I'm not even a little sorry. He's arriving in Auradon City and will be living in #17 with Henry. NOT SORRY. You can read all about him here. He was here before, but won't remember it, so if your character was friends with him and you want to rebuild something, just hit me up.

Please love them both; I will probably do the IC intros tomorrow. :)

Oct. 9th, 2020




hi all! it's clem with a second character - kent parson from check, please!

kent's an nhl superstar (calder memorial trophy, stanley cup, captain of the las vegas aces, you've heard of him) and kiiiiind of a douche. or at least that's how he comes off, anyway. you can read all about him here!

he's getting dropped on the jolly roger (lol) which i'm sure won't be confusing at all.

i'm open to pretty much anything for him! this is the first time in over a decade he's somewhere where he's not THE kent parson, so it should be interesting.

come at me! <3

Oct. 8th, 2020




This is Elle with a second character: Molly Prewett. Though she hasn't married Arthur (yet. They've just moved in together, and they're going to elope very soon!), she is the Molly we know and love, just younger. She's basically the opposite of CJ: she wears her heart on her sleeve, fusses over everyone, and is always available to listen to anyone and feed them/make them tea.

She's not a pushover, though. Don't mistake her warmth and kindness for weakness. She will protect those she believes need protecting, and her magic is strong enough to do just that.

She is rooming with Laura Kinney in the castle, so that should be fun! She's going to take a minute to figure out this technology thing, but she's game to learn.

Sep. 24th, 2020



So I still haven't shaken the Disney streak!

This is Daisy Johnson, aka Quake, from Agents of SHIELD. She's pretty badass! In terms of AoS direct canon, she's from near the end of the finale- after the main events of the episode but before the 'one year later' epilogue. Officially speaking, Marvel TV and Marvel movies at some point went separate timelines because legal departments are weird. But I think that's dumb as hell, so I'm saying it's still one timeline. Season 5 of AoS makes a vague reference to one of the Infinity War moments, and season 7 ends in 2019, so that's about a year after the Snap. The Snap was just never mentioned by the AoS team and they were busy with body snatching aliens (season 6) and time travelling robots (season 7).

Thanks to the AoS writers breaking the laws of TV writing and giving the characters a pretty happy ending (no pointless drama, wtf?!) Daisy is in a pretty happy place. She's arriving with her not-quite-yet-boyfriend, Daniel Sousa.

Plot with her?!

~ Hannah

Sep. 23rd, 2020



I got into this comic a few months ago and I've absolutely regretted not knowing about it before!

Bitty is from an online (and finished, if you want to check it out! It took me a day or so of binging to get through all of it but I love it - https://www.checkpleasecomic.com/comic/01-01-01) webcomic called Check, Please! He's a 5'6.5" baker from Georgia who is ridiculously sweet, extroverted and basically the polar opposite of most of my other characters because I desperately needed somebody who would actually converse with other people like a human being.

He bakes obsessively and is incredibly proud of his baking skill - and he's not half bad on the ice either. He's a Juniors figure skating champion and he can still land a triple (and maybe a quad if he gets back into practice, although he was never allowed to land quads in competitions) and took Samwell Men's Hockey team to the Frozen Four and won.

Basically, he's a figure skater turned hockey player and now he's graduated, engaged and disgustingly in love. He'll adopt you if you need a big brother or a parental figure and make you pies and feed you like a good southern grandma would. He's also unapologetically gay at this point in his life and uses social media like his life depends on it.

I'm open to anything at all with him!! He'll strike up conversation with pretty much anybody and he'll give anybody a chance - he won't tolerate rudeness, but he's fairly easy to forgive if you seem sincere enough in your apology.

Sep. 8th, 2020



Hi, friends, I just wanted to post a heads up that there are a few parts of this month when I might be a little scarce due to Real Life Shit. I donโ€™t think anyone wants the details who doesnโ€™t already know, but basically between me and my mom and planned medical shit this month, I will likely be scarce tomorrow (the 9th), the 17-19th and the 23rd-26th or so. I donโ€™t expect to be completely MIA but just as a warning, if my characters donโ€™t reply to something they should have this month, itโ€™s not them, itโ€™s me and probably I didnโ€™t see it or just didnโ€™t have the time to tag it.

If you have something I really should respond to, I would appreciate a link being emailed to me at posterofamyth @ gmail. (If you send it on discord I promise I will forget so please use email for this โ€“ that way I can keep it in my inbox until I have time to comment)

xoxo, Lena

Sep. 3rd, 2020



This is Hoshi's fault! And look, I have a character who isn't Marvel or Descendants! She's Star Wars! Which....is....still Disney...

Meet Cara Dune, sort of BFF of Mando, former Shock Trooper, current Imp hater, badass queen! She's not a complicated person, she doesn't do subtle or diplomatic. Her allegiances are literally on her face, as she has the Rebel insignia tattooed on her cheek, as well as the stripes of being a Shock Trooper on her arm. Cara is also one of the few survivors of Alderaan and because I love the canon that every hairstyle on Alderaan has a meaning, Cara's braid is very significant and in memory of her destroyed planet. (See again the Imp hater! She does not forgive!)

The only Star Wars character she actually knows is Mando, though given the Rebellion/Alderaan connection, she could definitely have links with Leia. If nothing else, she knows OF Leia and considers her to be the Queen of Alderaan survivors. I am very much open to more plotting, history or interactions they may have had! Her feelings towards Jedi are "huh". They were nothing more than vague stories in her childhood and while she knew that Luke guy could do stuff, the whole idea of the Force or anything was never of any interest or relevance to her. It's only now that she's become Aunty Cara to the galaxy's most adorable Child that she pays any attention t such things.

Please plot with her and my others!

~ Hannah

Sep. 2nd, 2020



Hi, Auradon, this is Lena picking up Evie. :)

She's a native, so she's just always been here. I know she's been played before, so if you have any plots you'd like to keep from before, please let me know, because I am happy to continue any previously established friendships, etc.

Evie is going to be very friendly and outgoing so sorry not sorry if she says hi to basically everyone when it's not hours past my bedtime lol.

You can read about her in her app. Love her! Plots are fab!

Aug. 23rd, 2020



Hi! I'm Elle. I've played with some of you in the recent past in a couple place, but Hoshi gave me a link, so here I am. :D

This is Calista Jane "CJ" Hook, youngest daughter of Captain Hook. She's been away for awhile. She procured a boat, renamed it, and took off after the barrier was lifted. She has this deep-seated need to prove herself worthy of her father's love and time, so she took off to follow in his footsteps and sailed the seas and caused some light trouble along the ways. She doesn't know he's missing or dead.

Her emotions are volatile, and she runs hot and cold, but as annoying as her antics are, she doesn't actually hurt people. She just inconveniences them for her amusement, and she walks away mid-sentence if she's bored. She doesn't want to be seen as weak, so she doesn't let anyone see her be soft, but she has those moments, under the right circumstances.

I'm excited to play her. This is my first foray into the Descendants fandom (I've seen the movies and part of the animated shorts, but I can't get my hands on the books...), and she seems fun.

Plots and thoughts?



So...I'm Hoshi and obvs I have a problem. I am bringing in 3 new people, all from Star Wars.

Ezra Bridger [info]spectresix is from Rebels and one hot mess of a Padawan. He is arriving with a cranky droid named Chopper, so apologies in advance for any Mando'a swearwords you are gonna have to deal with. He tends to act before thinking, but has a big heart.

Mando [info]theway is from The Mandalorian and is arriving with his son. He doesn't like talking much, is going to be very concerned about all the singing and shit. The Child is going to love exploring.

Padmรฉ Amidala [info]ivefoughtevil is from The Clone Wars and secretly married to Anakin. Though I think most people know it here if they are nerds? lol

Short intro of the new beans is short, but I'm watching Lucifer.

Plots welcome! My cast is here if anyone wants anything.

Aug. 15th, 2020



Hey, Auradon :)

It's Lena with probably her last character for awhile and an apology for not being around for the last month or so. I think I am finally on the mend and am trying to catch up on things.

This here is Tessa Gray from the Shdaowhunters Books. Tessa is a warlock, the child of an unmarked Shadowhunter and a Greater Demon and has the ability to change into anyone as long as she has something of theirs to be able to connect to them with. While changed, she can usually access thoughts and memories of that person, too, so it's a pretty handy skill.

Tessa is friendly and kind and she is a big lover of books. She is extremely well read, at least on anything up to her canon point which is mid-City of Heavenly Fire, set around 2008.

She is living with Leia. Please love her, she is one of my favorites and I'm excited to have a chance to play her again!

PS if there is anything one of my characters should have seen that I missed, please hit me up with a link. :)

Aug. 10th, 2020



HELLO! I always forget to intro OOC, so, hi! I've brought in Leia from Star Wars canon (aka, not legends? I figure both of them are canon but I'm pretty sure it's called canon.) Anyway, I asked once or twice in chat about this but if anybody does want to discuss, I can fix up my journal and set up an OOC talk post or you can hit up my discord - stellaviatori#9932!

Basically, I've adored Leia since I got into Star Wars and a little before that, but I've never actually played her before. I've played Han and Luke, but I really wanted to give her a go and I would love all of the things with her, please!

She's from the end of the movies and as far as canon puncture go, you're welcome to (I don't want to suppress any characters who know pop culture in regards to her) but please discuss it with me first if that's okay! She'd probably take a lot of it initially as people having heard of her/the Rebels, but it's going to dawn fairly quickly that this isn't Right.

Aug. 9th, 2020



Hey guys!

This is Rachel with her third. Here have Kristoff from the Frozen Movies. He's from right after the events of Frozen II, and still very much in love with Anna. He's also more used to people and being social than he was in the frist movie. So is a bit less gruff than he used to be.

He has also arrived with Sven, because he can't really be separated from him. Although Sven is living in the stables.

Aug. 2nd, 2020



Hello hello! This is Lucifer Morningstar, aka, the devil. If you don't know the show, he can be very sarcastic, so, if he appears to be rude, please don't take it personal. Also, he really loves sex and is very flirty. That's the character, not me! In his world, he's capable of getting others to tell him their deepest, darkest desires, and the ladies generally find him irresistible as he oozes charm and can seduce almost anyone. Unless you specifically want your character to be affected by his presence, I am going to pretend it doesn't work so well in Auradon. He will likely be drinking, often, but he has to consume copious amounts of alcohol for it to have any effect on him, so he wouldn't be stumbling around drunk. I am open to scenes of all kinds with anyone and everyone! I love Disney, but, Lucifer is less than enthused about it.



Hey everyone!

Ashley here with another (and likely my last) character. Meet Lilo Pelekai from Disney's Lilo & Stitch!

She's coming in from the end of Lilo & Stitch but for the purposes of the game, I have aged her up to 16. She also has Stitch with her so if you'd like any interaction with him, let me know! Apologies in advance to Ashoka Tano who is their roommate.

Lilo joins the rest of my cast who are up for all the things!




Hi, all! It's Zoe back with two more. (I'm not an addict)
This journal belongs to a Miss Aayla Secura! She's a little more obscure in the Star Wars universe, but if any of you have only seen the movies you'll possibly remember her fighting on Geonosis when the Jedi came to save Obi-Wan, Anakin, & Senator Amidala. Also-- you may remember when she was killed by her own troops when Order 66 was given. Most depressing part of the movie was her getting shot in the back, I swear. D:

ANYWAY. Aayla is from the midst of the Clone Wars where she's just been given the rank of Jedi Master. Her profile is here if you'd like to see a little more about her personality and abilities. I'm going to write up her history here in the upcoming weeks, I just wiki linked it for now so I could get her rolling in game.

Also, her PB is Emeraude Toubia, so just pretend she's a Twi'lek when you see that, as your character would. Imagination! Yay! She's roomed with Roxy, so that should be fun! She's brought her droid with her, QT-KT who is a lil pink R2-D2, so she'll be living with them and following Aayla around for the most part.

Second, I've brought Steve Rogers in @unwavering. Steve is from the beginning of Infinity War, so he's a little grumpier than he might be otherwise. His profile is here, and like with Aayla I will be writing his history up in the future, his is just going to take four times as long as hers. I'm excited to see how he'll interact with all of the other Marvel people given where he's from, and of course him getting to know the others is exciting as well! I love inter-fandom interactions, so please give them to me whenever you feel like it!
Anywho! I'm on Discord still @ zoobeebear#0293 and you can most easily reach me via my contact posts on each of my journals!
