December 2011



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September 11th, 2011

[info]nightmaredesire in [info]audeamos_ooc


HI EVERYONE. I'm Trinity. I'm 27 going on 28. I'm bringing you Miss Máiri Catrìona Isla MacDougal. She's a Pureblood witch from Scotland and is in Ancient Runes, Transfiguration, Potions, DADA, Arthimancy and Choir. She was raised on a farm and doesn't mind the work a farm gives, but don't expect her to be a pushover, either. She's a purist at heart and is\will be a loyal supporter of the eventual Lord Voldemort. (I must stop short-writing his name as Lord Voldy... Sigh). so RABS I need to talk to you about that <3 please? ILY?

Her plot ideas are as follows:
• recruited by Riddle in some fashion y\y? [See above note]
• something happens to her parents to push her towards the darker side?
• Animagus lessons!
• Anything random and fun
• Torment\torture\etc I enjoy whatever you can throw at her
• Find a Pureblood BF potential \ someone who her family would be happy to set her up with for marriage

THERE. Look. *coughs* Anyways she wants friends, etc! You can read about her here of course. You can find me @ Snakewithclaws on AIM or NikolAtTheDisco [at] gmail [dot] com! Mwhahaha!

[info]nikodem in [info]audeamos_ooc

Hello everyone! Welcome to the game!

I know some of you from other places, *waves* and some of you I don't know all that well--so allow myself to introduce...myself.

My name is Abigail and I'm a member of the Mod Team here, so if you have any questions about anything you can feel free to ping me if I'm online, or mail the mod account (

I have Four characters.

Charlus Potter - [info]charlus 7th Year Gryffindor, Seeker on the House Quidditch Team, and Head Boy. (In canon, he's the future father of one James Potter). He's an arrogant, stuck-up purist who doesn't have time for muggles or muggleborns. He's ignorant, vain and very self-centred. Oh, and he's better than you.

Eileen Prince - [info]lapetiteprince 5th Year Slytherin, Gobstones Player Shy, sullen and quiet, Eileen doesn't make friends easily because she's timid. She likes to read, and spends a lot of time on her own in the library. She'd a very smart girl and excellent at her studies.

Albus Dumbledore - [info]phoenixfeathers Transfiguration Professor...has shit to deal with. He'd been a bit distracted lately with everything that's been going on with Gellert Grindelwald across the English Channel and he's starting to become more and more concerned about it.

Nikodem Scamander - [info]nikodem Ancient Runes Professor Hailing from Germany, Nikodem is the calm, cold Ancient Runes professor who doesn't tolerate much of anything but excellence from his students. He's incredibly secretive, specifically about his relationship with his father Newt Scamander.

[info]littlest_black in [info]audeamos_ooc

Bonjour tout le monde!

Okay, I'm not actually going to subject you to my bad French. Anyway, my name is Zaure, I'm 23 and playing house (pretending to be an adult and hold down a job and suchlike pffbt), and this young gentleman is Orion Black. He's just barely 15, and has unfortunately just had that visit by the puberty fairy which results in 'where are my limbs?' syndrome, and he's annoyed at the amount of attention he has to allocate to not banging into things. Hidden physical awkwardness and hormones aside, Orion is reserved, polite and pleasant. He knows and employs all the social niceties because they make speaking to people easier, and he's not naturally social. He thinks things through before he speaks, and doesn't make rash decisions. He loves his family and his position as the baby both drives him insane and makes him grateful for his siblings/cousins. Being the youngest also tempered some of the natural arrogance of being the heir, so between that and his absolute security in his place in society he doesn't tend to be very arrogant or ego-driven.

Oh right! Contact info is Zaure8817 (AIM) or Either/or.

He spends a lot of time contemplating the meaning and responsibilities of his life and worries about living up to them, and also finding new ways to sneak through the castle after hours.

Also, we should have a game chat y/y?

[info]lockthedoors in [info]audeamos_ooc

(insert introduction title here)

Hi there! I'm new to the game and to most all of you, sooo right! Introductions! My name is Cara and I'll be playing the less than likable Mitchell Mendel. I'm not at all new to the series (or the time period, bwahaha), but I am new to RPing things based on it. I'm very excited and a bit nervous, so please be gentle with me. I shall do my very best!

As for Mitch, he's a 7th year Slytherin taking Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Charms, History, Divination, and Astronomy this year. He's also a member of the Charms and Astronomy clubs, and the Choir. If you've read his profile already, you know he's probably not everyone's first choice of friend. He's rude and mischievous at times, but also determined and at least good at what he does.

He's not really a friendly person, but he has been around the school for seven years. I'd love to work out what friends and enemies he's gotten to know in that time. He's likely to be most civil to those he's known the longest. (Or they've probably just gotten used to him.) Also, he takes his clubs seriously, so beware if you're slacking in Choir or not showing up for Astronomy. Otherwise, he does have an appreciation for his house, so fellow Slytherins are usually treated better than others. Everyone else will probably have had a difficult time getting to know him if they have already, but I'm willing to hear any ideas for possible background! And we can absolutely work on things in the game.

Soooo, yes! I'll stop there, because I'm always kind of bad at these things. /o\ Feel free to hit me up whenever via AIM (BlackMageZizi) or email ( I'm eager to plot and write with all of you and I certainly don't bite!