Altamont University Bulletin Board


Altamont University Bulletin Board
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May 24th, 2008


[No Subject]

Blake Whitney
aim: blake luvs c n p

Jesse McIntyre
aim: an intyre jesse

**updated 05/24/08**
Altamont University's Student Body:

Just enter your user name into the box and click the button when you're logged in.

Activity is a must. If you're unsure of what are rules are, please read the Activiy Rules post. If you have to go on hiatus or need an extension, please PM the dean.

As usual, we are taking suggestions and ideas for the new communites and new year. Feel free to reply to any of these posts or send us a pm about anything thats on your mind. And on that rare occasion that the mod sn is online, feel free to hit up aafaculty.