Nov. 1st, 2007


All Hallows Fic -- Perpetuity Clause: A Dream of Fear and Desire (Angel/Lindsey) VERY ADULTS ONLY!

TITLE: Perpetuity Clause: A Dream of Fear and Desire
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
DISCLAIMER: Wow, so not mine! If FOX decides to sue, there's certainly nothing I can do about it. But Joss said it was okay to slash his babies, so here I go!
WARNINGS: Bondage, Slashy Goodness, bloodplay, begging, first time, dub-con (or rather, dubious state of mind)
PAIRING(S): Angel/Lindsey
SYNOPSIS: Cat or Mouse. It's all the same when the Senior Partners are in charge of your eternity.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This began life as a request by obsessedmuch for the creep_fest ficathon, but it got canceled, so I decided to use it here! The requirements for that request are at the end.
FEEDBACK: Sure! Even if it's just to say "Guh." That's what porn is for! *G*
PROMPT(S): 100moods .076 Predatory, [info]getlaid25 .05 Angel/Lindsey, all_hallows_fic theme: Hunted

"Perpetuity Clause"
by Ducks


In broken crypts where ghouls had slept
I saw how muttering devils sate
(Knowing the final grasp of Fate)
And told grim augeries, and wept.

-- George Sterling, "A Dream of Fear"

(If you're of age, follow the fake link.)

Oct. 22nd, 2007


FIC: "Spike and the Coming of the Blue Meanie" 1/1 - Adults Only

TITLE: Spike and the Coming of the Blue Meanie
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
FANDOM: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, no profit, don't sue.
WARNINGS: Masturbation, baby!
TIMELINE: Sometime during AtS S5
SYNOPSIS: Illyria wants to know about orgasms. Spike volunteers to help.
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I just love Spillyria, but who knew they'd be so tough to write together?
FEEDBACK: Makes me a happy Duckie.
PROMPT(S)/CHALLENGE(S): For [info]southernbangel's "Anything But" Ficathon

Many thanks to the wonderful [info]yourlibrarian for the awesome beta!

( Spike and the Coming of the Blue Meanie)

Sep. 2nd, 2007


FIC: Nocturnal Landscaping - B/A Fluff - Rated R

TITLE: Nocturnal Landscaping
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
DISCLAIMER: *arches an eyebrow at you*
RATING: R for sexual activity.
PAIRING: Buffy/Angel
TIMELINE: A post-baking future, where Joss’ issues crush NO ONE’S HAPPINESS!
SYNOPSIS: One thing Angel misses about daytime life is watching things grow and bloom. Buffy decides to do something about that. Then they have sex. In the rain. *G*
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask. Chances are good that I'll say yes. :)
FEEDBACK: That would be awesome, thank you!
DEDICATION: To Lee ([info]southernbangel), who asked for it! And to [info]darkrhiannon, [info]ladymackenzie, [info]tkp, and [info]romanyg for their birthday yesterday! *smooches all around*

Many thanks to [info]ljgould for the beta!

Prompts: rain boots, mention of HGTV, cupcake

"Nocturnal Landscaping”
by Ducks

( Follow the fake cut to the fluff. *G )

Sep. 1st, 2007


PORN DAY FIC #1! "Girls' Night In" (NC-17, Buffy/Angel/Faith/Spike - Sequel to "Nooner"!)

TITLE: Girls’ Night In
AUTHOR: Ducks, [info]theantijoss
PROMPT: 100moods 007. Aroused
DISCLAIMER: If they were mine, oh, so many things would be different. *sigh* But alas, they’re not. They belong to a lot of corporate entities that don’t love them nearly as much as the fans do. No infringement is intended, nor is any profit made from this porny little ditty.
RATING: NC-17 for language and sexual content (includes both M/M and F/F slash and group sex) ADULTS ONLY
CHARACTERS/PAIRINGS: Faith/Buffy, Angel/Spike, Spike/Faith, Spike/Buffy/Faith, Angel/Spike/Buffy/Faith
TIMELINE/SPOILERS: Totally AU – no plot, no spoilers, no timeline. Absolutely no redeeming artistic or literary value whatsoever! Pure Porn!
SUMMARY: A chick flick. A vibrator. Some active voyeurism. Sort of sequel to “Nooner”.
DISTRIBUTION: Distribute freely, so long as you send me the address, and leave these tags intact.
FEEDBACK: `Tis the fuel for my fantasies. Okay, so, naked Angel is fuel for my fantasies, but I like feedback anyway. *G*
A/N: This story has been in the steam cooker for YEARS now, but I thought I would finally finish it in celebration of BRING BACK THE Pr0N DAY 2007! W00t! See if you can track the points of view. Shouldn't be too difficult.

This universe began back in 2001 -- Spike doesn't have a soul, Spuffy never happened, Angel is still Spike's Sire. That's all you really need to know.
DEDICATION: To all my favorite perverts over the years. You know who you are. ;)

All mistakes are mine -- my dirty betas are all gone to Dragon*con! *cries*

"Girls’ Night In"
by Ducks


("You know, to hear Spike tell it, our relationship is like a non-stop porno movie...")