October 5th, 2008

[info]firefly124 in [info]ats_btvs_fanfic

FIC: To Know Who I Am (BtVS/HP/AtS crossover, SS/OFC, NC-17)

Title: To Know Who I Am Table of Contents, Chapter 22
Author: [info]firefly124
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus Snape/Original Slayer
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to either Joss or JKR.
Story Summary: It's been over six years since the fall of Voldemort and Professor Sprout has retired. There's something strange about the new Herbology teacher, and Professor Snape is determined to find out what. Trouble seems to follow her, or is it his past seeking him out? And then there's a prophecy. Isn't there always a prophecy?
Chapter Summary: The mission to the Chamber of Secrets has been moved up unexpectedly, thanks to Harry and Xander, and it's no surprise that little else seems to be going according to plan.