
December 2013


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October 6th, 2013



+1 Precog

Hi guys!

My name is Lex and I bring you an OC named Iris Northbrook. Iris is a mutant with precognitive abilities. She's got reasonably good control over it, although her accuracy depends on how specific she is about what she's looking for, and how far in the future it is. As a secondary mutation, she's got psychic shields (including a barrier of psychic energy when she's in danger and can't escape), but she isn't really in control of them. They're just a passive function.

Her precognitive powers allowed her to bring her family from having a modest income to being almost as wealthy as they'd been before the Great Depression, and she was at the top of her class in business school. She's a very academic person and she's not above using her powers for personal gain.

Iris is also absolutely ruthless about protecting her loved ones. Thus far, she arranged for her fiancee (who turned out to be a blackmailing jerk when he found out she was a mutant) to meet his end at the White House when Atom brought down the White House in 1963, and most recently, she faked her family's deaths to prevent them from being used against her.

She's kind of a sneaky chessmaster type, but if you're important to her, she'll go to great lengths for you.

So! Plot! I'd love to plot with all of you. :D I am best reached by email or by my drop box. Or you can reply here, too.