Dec. 21st, 2013


In Case Anyone Checks...

This is a massive apology for flaking on the group. I'm not normally like this and I'm ashamed to admit that I overextended myself with RPs and ended up neglecting a couple in the process. However, when I was focused on Atom, I did enjoy the writing so if anyone wanted to do something with Eli or Johnathan but didn't get a chance to, I am more than willing to do a PSL if you're interested. Just leave a note here and I'll get back to you.

Dec. 2nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Anybody still here?

Nov. 23rd, 2013



[No Subject]

ohmygoodness...I'm so sorry I went so MIA. Things have gotten out of hand over here since we're coming up to finals.

I'm going to try to finish up tagbacks this weekend. Please be patient with me. I'm so sorry everyone was left hanging. Please don't hate me. :/



Nov. 6th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey guys!

Violet here with number 2 already. And number 3 yelling in the sidelines. I bring you Anna-Marie D'Ancanto/Rogue.

She's a bit rougher than the film version considering she wasn't found by Wolverine and taken to the X-men. So she's been living on the streets on her own for about four-ish years now. She's in New York finally (after living in Chicago for a bit). It's a wonder she hasn't committed suicide yet, to be honest.

Anyway, she's attempting to hide from both sides, but I want to mess up her world and have one of them find her. Don't care which starts that off. But other than that, any plot is loved and welcomed.

Raven is also always up for grabs.



Oct. 29th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey guys, it's oh so quiet. Everybody okay? Anybody want to log?

Oct. 25th, 2013



[No Subject]

uuuugh. I want to get back into this. Only now instead of just pain, I actually have the flu. Wtf. I don't even know where to start if I were going to jump back in... *whimper*

Oct. 23rd, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey everyone!

I'm Violet, the newbie. I bring you Raven Darkholme/Mystique! :)

I'm pretty excited to jump into this. It has been a while since I've been in a non-Panfandom game, let alone have the chance to play an X-men character. Now all of them are waking up again. :P So I'm so happy to do this. Thank you mods for accepting me. You are amazing for being so patient.

Um, let's see, I'm very bad at intros and I really should be finishing up my last midterm that's due tomorrow. :/ So I'll make this quick.

I'm playing Raven with a dash of comics. She's older than she looks (considerably older than Charles and the gang, although she doesn't really talk about that). And I've got her all conflicted and whatnot over this whole "save the world" thing since she doesn't exactly see the point in reclaiming it and putting it back to the way it was. But she loves and adores Charles and will obviously follow him. For now.

As for me, I'm a first year grad student so I apologize if I keep odd hours and get to be sporadic. But your tags will always be answered. Don't fret. But it does mean I suck at AIM. However, I answer my e-mail and any dropbox comments rather quickly. It's like an instant response like AIM...but obviously not AIM. Why don't I just get on AIM if I'm that quick? It's a bit personal and hard to explain. I know, I'm weird.

Anyway! Plot? Ideas? Anything you wanted Raven for? Throw it at me! I'm pretty laid back and am open to ideas. :)



Oct. 15th, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey guys, this is my last one for a while, I promise. Iris Masterson is a research scientist working for Shaw at Facility 10. Her mutation allows her to see the whole range of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as convert the wavelengths by adding or removing energy. She was working on her postgraduate degree in Astrophysics at Oxford when the war started, and spent some time as a teacher before she was recruited into Atom.

Iris is unaware of Shaw's hand in the war, and honestly believes he's trying to make the world a better place. She's a bit broken, a bit bitter, but makes polite enough company. Right now she's just trying to pick up the pieces of her life for reasons she won't readily discuss (but you can read in her bio), and her work for Atom has helped give her something to hold onto.

- Em

Oct. 13th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hi there!

I'm Karoline and I play Emma Frost. Sorry I've not been around lately, but I've had some health problems to deal with that I think I'm getting on top of. Emma's basically at point 0 for now and she works for the Atom side with Shaw.

So basically, who wants to play? :-)

Oct. 12th, 2013


[NSFW anymore XD, jsyk] Just Thought I'd Leave This Here...




[No Subject]

Hi everyone :D

Lauren here and I just have Angel, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to do anything? Threads? Random scenes, etc?


Oct. 11th, 2013


[No Subject]

Hi. I am here. Sorry. Work is wrapping up with the game released with the new console so it has been super crazy. But I am here. Let's plot, have Moira and Lorna. Need to get back in the game.

Go Here, Not There

Sorry for the micro-spam, but doubling up on Eli's original journal was not working out like I had hoped. So, make sure you friend this Atom-specific journal instead. Happy RPing everyone! (^^)

Oct. 10th, 2013



*waves* Hi. Hello.

I'm alive. I exist. I've crawled my way up from the depths of Hiatus Hell.

... Of course, some of you are probably wondering just who the hell I am and, well... I'm Erin. It's nice to meet you and I'm going to try and start being more active beginning this weekend. c;

I've got two characters for ya, Elijah and Johnathan:
Elijah Mason — A 30-year-old widower, Elijah is a Vietnam vet and a Mutant. His ability is an advanced level of Telekinesis and he also brings other skills to the table.

Johnathan Ackerman — A unique members of Atom, Johnathan has an advanced level of Enhanced Regeneration and as a result of this ability prolonging his life, he is often at moral odds with himself while in the employ of Shaw due to his upbringing during the Victorian era.
If you'd like to plot with either bloke, please hit them up either here or here.

ETA — I need to note here that I'm a very slow RPer and ask for your patience when replying. Sometimes it will take me a while to tag back.

Oct. 6th, 2013



+1 Precog

Hi guys!

My name is Lex and I bring you an OC named Iris Northbrook. Iris is a mutant with precognitive abilities. She's got reasonably good control over it, although her accuracy depends on how specific she is about what she's looking for, and how far in the future it is. As a secondary mutation, she's got psychic shields (including a barrier of psychic energy when she's in danger and can't escape), but she isn't really in control of them. They're just a passive function.

Her precognitive powers allowed her to bring her family from having a modest income to being almost as wealthy as they'd been before the Great Depression, and she was at the top of her class in business school. She's a very academic person and she's not above using her powers for personal gain.

Iris is also absolutely ruthless about protecting her loved ones. Thus far, she arranged for her fiancee (who turned out to be a blackmailing jerk when he found out she was a mutant) to meet his end at the White House when Atom brought down the White House in 1963, and most recently, she faked her family's deaths to prevent them from being used against her.

She's kind of a sneaky chessmaster type, but if you're important to her, she'll go to great lengths for you.

So! Plot! I'd love to plot with all of you. :D I am best reached by email or by my drop box. Or you can reply here, too.

Oct. 4th, 2013



[No Subject]

Where am I? I don't know. Shit's been tough and I'm in a lot of pain without knowing why. I'm probably going to lose my job. I just... ugh. So I've been quiet. I'm sorry. *curls up and dies*

Oct. 2nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Helloooooooo. Em here with yet another one for ya: Josh Foley, who will one day be known as Elixir, but not just yet. Josh doesn't know he's a mutant. He thinks he's just a regular seventeen year old kid who may have fallen in with the wrong crowd. Josh is a member of the Reavers, an anti-mutant group. He joined after they successfully freed him from one of Shaw's camps, and that's only because he lost track of his family.

If you know Elixir, you know this only the beginning of the story. Check out his bio for what's on the horizon for him. Hang with me while I get him some more icons (it's so hard starting from scratch!), but I'm totally happy to start plotting. :D

Sep. 24th, 2013


[No Subject]

I moved over the weekend, hence my thereof. I have internet rollin' so I am good there. I still have a few pieces of patio stuff that needs to be moved over by tomorrow [I did the entire move without movers. That was fun]. I got bruises for each section of the move. Anyways, I'll get back to posting back to people asap. don't want you lovely people to think I have wondered off.

Lorna Dane && Moira MacTaggert Player: Rei

Sep. 23rd, 2013



[No Subject]

HELLO MY FRIENDS. This is Heather again, player of Cipher [info]aflyonthewall. But now I'm bringing you a brand new bb OC. This is Ava Morris aka Hush.

Ava is a 19 year old Liverpudlian with Atom. She's not necessarily evil but she's practical. Shaw has food, resources, safety for her family... Until Xavier can offer her all of those and consistently, she's stuck on Shaw and has no regrets about doing what she has to so she can provide for her very large family. Yeah, that's far more important to her than doing The Right Thing. Maybe it's because she grew up on the streets, thieving and sharking (billiards, cards, whatever). Her morals are already kind of foggy.

Other than that, she's a good kid. She's got a love for old films (specifically things like Dracula and anything Marx Brothers). She's really kind of goofy, excitable, dramatic and wild. She hardly ever makes sense to most people and why is she always wearing that long coat and top hat. Honestly, what's wrong with her?

As for her powers, she has control over sound but her specific talents are in muting sounds, making things quieter. She can make things louder, sure, but too loud and she causes physical harm to herself so she definitely has practiced making things quiet a lot more than anything else. She can also 'borrow' sound and even bottle it. It's really complicated and I would recommend reading her bio to get the full skinny on her powers.

Also? She's mute. Her powers have silenced her forever. Now she can 'borrow' voices but some people find it very creepy so she doesn't usually ask. Otherwise, she knows British and American sign language, along with always carrying a notepad on her.


Sep. 22nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Hey all,

I'm Lauren and it's a pleasure to be playing with all of you. I'm bringing you Angel Salvadore, the winged, "Angel", from X-Men: First Class. Unfortunately, because Shaw was not killed, she is still on his side, not the X-Men. :( She's tough, a former exotic dancer, with the capability of flight and spitting dangerous projectiles, sometimes very acidic. I've also taken the liberty of adding in a few others from her 616 version because I figured she'd probably possess them too, eventually. Her wings can create sonic waves that can break glass when they are beaten hard and can deafen some. She also has a quicker digestive system and when she gives birth, the young would be eggs, not live born like mammals. She's a bit of rebel, independent, and dresses far from the norm for this time period. She sticks to what she believes in and strongly supports Shaw despite all the destruction he has caused the world around her.

I'm up for plot of all kinds with my girl. She has a contact post in the journal, otherwise you can hit me up here or e-mail:

I'm looking forward to playing with you all. <3
