Nov. 5th, 2008


Sunday Afternoon (Alec, Allaster, Charlie, Daisy, Mather, Sophy)

Who: Alec Bowdoin, Allaster Holt, Charlie Perkins, Daisy Hubbard, Nathaniel Mather, Sophy Elliot
What: Church service and refreshments afterward
Where: Old South Church
When: The Sunday after Charlie's initiation.
Summary: Alec and Charlie finally get to meet Miss Hubbard, and the little group gets to know each other a little better.

It took every ounce of self control to not allow herself an ironic lift of an eyebrow at Allaster's confession: it was inconceivable that Daisy's bovine facade -- sweet but hardly anything noteworthy -- could truly be inspiring to anyone. )

Oct. 27th, 2008


A Small Conspiracy (Sophy Elliot and Charlie Perkins)

Who: Sophy Elliot and Charlie Perkins
What: Sophy and Charlie share their love of theatre
Where: No 4 Marlborough Street (The Elliot residence)
When: Thurs, August 19 around 2pm
Warnings: None!
Summary: Charlie and Sophy make wicked plans

Surely you have better things to do that tease our maid into making a mess? )


Artistic Endeavors: John & Charlie

Who: John Saville & Charlie Perkins
What: Discussing art and the artistic nature
Where: Outside class & the Brotherhood brownstone
When: Late August 1880.
Warnings: None

He glanced up at Charlie, meeting his eyes. 'If you could do anything in this life, if nothing was forbidden to you, what would you do?' )


A Little Celebration (Group Thread: All Brotherhood Males)

Who: The Boys of the Brotherhood (John Saville, Henry Wilder, Alex Bowdoin, Allaster Holt, Charlie Perkins)
What: Celebrating Charlie's initiation into the Brotherhood.
Where: The Bat Cave Brotherhood Flat
When: The first Friday of September 1880.
Warnings: Pending, but not likely this will be safe for work. RAMPANT MAYHEM!

Are you ready? )