September 22nd, 2008

[info]newathenians in [info]athensrising


The rules! Please be sure to read them.

Creating a Character )

Setting Up Your New Character )

Game Play )

Posting and Post Form )

Diary Entries )

[info]newathenians in [info]athensrising


To apply, fill out this form to the best of your ability and send it to the mod: venusannodomini AT gmail DOT com

The mod may ask you to give a writing sample. It's not necessary to write one until I ask for one. Not every person will have to write one. I will only ask you to write one if I can't tell enough by your application about your writing style, so consider your application a kind of combined profile and writing test, though my criteria won't be out of the ordinary. Punctuation, spell-checking, characterization (is this a Mary Sue?), etc. The basics.

Application )

Need Help? )

[info]newathenians in [info]athensrising


Setting Information )

[info]newathenians in [info]athensrising

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Type your journal's user name into the box below to add everyone in the community to your journal as a friend. You must be logged in to do this.

[info]newathenians in [info]athensrising

Available Characters

There are currently: 25 Positions Available!
Last Updated: Oct. 31st (Adds are Rolling)

Leave a comment to let me know you're applying or to hold a position.

A note on artistic license: You can do anything you want to with the character slot you apply for so long as you stick to the basic theme. If you want to change small details, for example making the Poet less snobbish or the Patron gay, go right ahead.

List of Suggestions )

List of Positions )