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Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Danny and Lei
What: Introduction by Accident
When: Sunday, February 13 - Morning
Where: 10th floor hallway

It's always the little things that trip you up... )


Who: Danny
What: Welcome… home?
When: Wednesday, February 9 – Sunday, February 13
Where: Apartment 1084

It's the coming of the White! )


Delivered to Eli at work )


Left on Tristan's dresser Monday morning )

Feb. 15th, 2011


[Monday, Valentine's Day]

A small giftwrapped box will be sitting in one of the plants on the sixth floor, with a tag on it that simply says 'Kenny'.

Contents: An old brooch in the shape of a bird and a card that says,

I thought you might appreciate this. Also got you the first card I laid eyes on. Only the best for you!
xo Josh

Feb. 14th, 2011


Who: Open to Everyone!
What: Astor Ridge Valentine's Day Party
When: Monday Evening
Where: Astor Ridge Ballroom

The ballroom doors stood open, welcoming every resident of Astor Ridge within. There was a DJ on the dance floor, a fountain of pink champagne, table upon table of catered dishes and desserts, and a full wait staff prepared to serve anyone that happened inside.

Now all that was needed were a few guests.

OOC: A party thread! Simply tag your character in to whatever section they'd like to be and thread from there, or tag them into another's open thread. It's a good way to meet your neighbors and have fun!


Who: Aiden and Meg
What: Valentine's Day celebrating
When: Monday Evening
Where: Their Apartment

Aiden was like most men in that he didn't remember these sorts of things until someone smacked it in his face )


Who: Callan and Erin
When: Midnight on Monday Morning
What: Valentine's day celebrations
Where: Their apartment

He just hoped it was quality, not quantity that she was after )

Feb. 13th, 2011


Who: Joe and Bas King
What: Accuse!
Where: Their apartment
When: Tuesday evening, after Rose and Joe open a few boxes
Status: Finished
Rating: R for bad language, bad attitudes

... )


Sitting on Aiden's dresser, Valentine's Day )

Feb. 12th, 2011


Who: Tristan and Aiden
What: Raid on Pandora's Box
When: Saturday night
Where: Pandora's Box
Status: inComplete
Rating: PG13/R - language mostly

Who knew FBI agents couldn't be bribed with strippers and alcohol? )

Feb. 13th, 2011


Weekly Update


February 13, 2011 - February 19, 2011


Joe King - February 13
Kale Sullivan - February 14


Mother nature must not realize it’s Winter, as the weather holds steady at sunny and 50 °F all week, at least through the days. During the night the temperature drops to low 30’s, but is still a cake walk compared to the weather a few weeks before. Forecasters predict there’s going to be a huge backlash thanks to all this nice weather, though, so stock up on any necessities while you can!


The big buzz of the week and the definite cause for celebration comes on Monday in the form of Valentine’s Day. Even those living inside Astor Ridge without a Valentine have cause to celebrate, thanks to the lavish party that will be being thrown in the Astor Ridge ballroom. Each and every tenant, along with every in-house person on staff over the age of eighteen will be invited to the event (though they may choose not to come). It will be fully catered with an open bar, and each and every drink will receive a generous hit of Ecstasy. To make sure even those that don’t drink get the full treatment, small doses of Nitrous Oxide will also be filtered into the room via the vents, which will leave party goers’ memories a bit shady concerning the activities they engaged in the night before, and causing everyone still in attendance to eventually pass out.

(OOC note: This is a chance for your character’s to do anything and act as out of character as you wish as long as it stays within the game rules. A party post will be going up on the 14th for events that take place in the party, so please save all in-party threads/posts/logs for that.)

No one ever said Mr. Astor didn’t like to party.

While the tenants are unconscious, designated staff members in Astor Ridge will be required to see the tenants home, or at least elsewhere.

Rose King will be awakened by a very startled Kale Sullivan when he finds her naked and alone in his bed. Her brother Bas King will awake to find himself in a stolen car a few blocks down from Astor Ridge passed out behind the driver’s wheel with several open containers of alcohol and our resident favorite Officer Brady pecking on the window.

Kenny Simmons will get the dubious pleasure of becoming that girl when she’s awakened first thing in the morning by Lei Campbell in the utility elevator, where she was found passed out. The clothes she’ll be wearing will not be hers, but belong instead to Franklin Mason, according to the wallet inside the back pocket.

Anastasia Wentworth will awake to find herself in bed in between Tristan Winters and Rhiannon Mackenzie. Only she and Tristan will be naked.

Erin Cohan will awake in her underwear inside Matt Lawrence’s apartment and sitting in his wheelchair. Mr. Lawrence will be in his underpants and delegated to the floor.

(Another OOC note: If your character is not mentioned, you have free reign to have them wake up wherever and however you wish, as long as any other players involved are agreeable).

Thankfully, the rest of the week will be fairly quiet.

If your character is named specifically in this time update you are required to do a thread centering around the circumstances they have been placed in. Welcome to the lottery, people!

Also, as always, if anything occurs or is planned that you think merits mention in the next time update, please send the details in an email to


Who Lei Campbell and Remy Bridges
What Remy works up some courage
When Sunday, February 13
Where Remy’s place, then Lei’s
Status Complete / G

He’d had about two days to figure this out and, while he was well aware that it almost should take longer than that (at least that’s how he’d been raised), he still hadn’t come further in his reasoning than this. )

Feb. 11th, 2011


Who: William Astor and NPC Nurse Judith
When: Late Friday evening
Where: Apartment 2500
What: Creepiness
Warning: Sick, uncomfortable stuff. You've been warned.

Maybe in an act of passion she'd stab him. He highly doubted it, though. )
Tags: ,


Who: Briar-Rose and Basile King
What: Twin gossip-y time
Where: The King household
When: BACKDATED to when Nell and Kale were visiting
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Something was up... )

Feb. 10th, 2011


Who: Alessandra and Mark
When: Late Thursday evening
Where: His apartment
What: Gratitude

She supposed nothing was quite like a unicorn that served as a castle guard, but she hoped it'd do for the time being )

Feb. 11th, 2011


Who Remy and Sienna Bridges (NPC)
What Remy's sister offers him enlightenment XD
When Friday evening, February 11
Where Bridges family residence
Status Narrative / G
Notes If the German is wrong, don't sue me. I got it off a site. :P

“Seriously? You don’t know what Monday is?” )
Tags: ,

Feb. 10th, 2011


Who: Beau and Nina
What: Losing composure
Where: Beau's apartment
When: Thursday night
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress

This was all just some sort of bad dream. It had to be. )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Who: Nell and Bea
What: Sister-time with a touch of mystery
Where: Bea's apartment
When: Monday evening
Rating: PG-13?
Status: In it

You mean you didn't send this? )


Who Adrian Reznik and Briar-Rose King
What Poolside encounters
When Monday early afternoon
Where Astor Ridge pool
Status Completed / PG

Funny how life could have a soundtrack. )

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