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Customs 'cause I'm an old man. [01 Jan 2023|01:54pm]

Hey all, the name's Leon. Resident grumpy, ole biker who's taking time to write his next horror novel. If you were the final person in a horror film, what's the song playing during your showdown with the big baddie?

customs for fun and outdated 80s references [21 Dec 2022|03:11pm]

greetings and salutations folks. the holidays are a time that make me pretty dang nostalgic i gotta say. maybe it's the premise of a new year and all of it's innate possibility, or maybe those commercials getting to me in my old age. regardless, since i'm sure you're all tired of talking about what you asked santa for, lets talk about what makes you nostalgic, or what you miss from your childhood. besides not paying bills that is

customs for a limited time only [11 Nov 2022|08:16pm]

What's up boston? I'm Caden, recently returned after what we'll call a small hiatus from the great state of Massachusetts. I've recently been thinking about what makes home, home. So, tell me, what is that for you? A place? An item? A person? If you could have any feature added to your house, what would it be? I'm thinking a slide next to the staircase would be pretty awesome.

customs if you so desire [08 Nov 2022|07:40pm]

hey, i'm sierra. or sie. do you believe that things happen for a reason? like, in looking back on your life, do you have a turning point that changed the course? if so, do you think you would have been content if it hadn't happened? i think about this often, usually when i'm working. carving soap and pouring candles provide a strange catharsis for me, apparently.

let's banter through the easiest game in the world. the only rule is no judgement. we all walk in different shoes.

i will go first. then you all can follow and we'll keep it going. never have i ever..

watched an episode of family guy.

your turn.

[23 Oct 2022|03:09pm]

hi i'm imani, hope you're having a lovely weekend!i've been watching horror movies since i got home from work on friday because i'm nothing if not wholly observant of spooky season's most time honored traditions. my parents didn't allow me or my siblings to watch scary films as a kid... so naturally i watched in secret and became an avid lover of all things horror. so this leads me to a very important game of would you rather; feel free to answer one, all, or none!
+ would you rather be chased by a hoard of running zombies or a walking michael myers?
+ would you rather fight to survive the night in the purge, or the strangers?
+ would you rather have pins growing out of your face and head, or have scissors where your fingers should be?

[23 Oct 2022|09:39am]

Hi, I’m Isabella.. and as a way to break the ice, let’s play two truths and a lie. I’ll start and let’s see if we can keep this going..

1. I’ve lived in more than three places in my life.
2. I can’t sing.
3. I speak fluent Russian.

[17 Oct 2022|06:12pm]

happy (??) monday everyone, we've made it. i'm viola and let's talk treating ourselves. i saw something the other day that said (to paraphrase) "the thing i love about being an adult is getting to give myself a little treat. bad day? you need a little treat. good day? celebrate with a little treat." and i felt it to my core. what's your go-to indulgence, big or small?

customs are fun fun fun [03 Oct 2022|02:57pm]

i'm lyssa and the best parts of me is that i am hilarious, don't take anything too seriously and don't care what other people think about me. join me in this hype zone. what do you think is the best thing about being you? what do you think your best friend would say? your parent? your pet?

[05 Sep 2022|11:19am]

good morning, boston. i'm kelsey and i've never watched a harry potter film. i am, however, obsessed with the lord of the rings. over the last couple weekends, i've binged the hobbit and lotr trilogies. has anyone watched the rings of power yet? tell me everything you love about it before i dive in. and please tell me i'm not the only one old enough to remember this because i've been singing it all weekend and i think my kids are about to disown me.

Customs are welcome. [31 Aug 2022|07:13pm]

I'm Julia and I'd like to know what keeps you entertained.

A group of kids have started to congregate around the entrance to my apartment building every night, smoking and laughing. Naturally my evening entertainment has evolved from Netflix to stealthily throwing things at them. Not enough to anger them, just enough to make things weird. Last week I threw a few pieces of cooked rigatoni. Tonight it was a lasagna sheet I’d been soaking in apple juice for several hours. I’m happy to report there was squealing.

[30 Aug 2022|07:03pm]

Hello. I'm Simon and to tell you the truth, I'm feeling a little anxious about my brief time in the spotlight here. I sincerely hope that whatever you read prior to my small confession was even more dreary and underwhelming.

Tell me three things; tell me a truth, how you are currently feeling and what you read prior to this.

customs or wire? [07 Jul 2022|10:32am]
good morning, i'm alex.

i was on a zoom call this morning with a client and got up to grab some blueprints, missed stepping over the cord and instead kicked the cord, knocking the laptop off the table, spilling my tea all over the desk, and then sat down like nothing happened on a wet chair.

i got the contract.

so, how was your morning?

[04 Jul 2022|09:33pm]

Hi, I'm Trip and I am currently trying to figure out how to explain to a cat that the fireworks cannot and will not get him. He is currently arguing back, though he may just be upset that I took the frog he found outside. What argument have you lost recently? If you always win, show me your favorite meme. It's going to be a long night.

customs for anyone. ask me anything. maybe i'll answer. [20 Jun 2022|08:21pm]

hello! hi! i'm felicity but i go by lis! honestly, i'm pretty good at following the rules but i'm banned from an antique shop for reasons i am not allowed to discuss. where aren't you allowed to go?

let me know if you want a custom! [10 Jun 2022|10:35pm]
hello, boston! how's everyone doing? i'm camden and i love to eat food, especially since it's basically my job to do so for my youtube videos! since it's summer time though, i need to know, what would you get? if you can't decide on just one, give me your top three! i'm also curious as to which ones you would NOT get.

customs, for those who want them [07 Jun 2022|06:10pm]

Happy Tuesday, Boston! My name is Aisling, but you can call me Ash.

I was messaging with a friend earlier, and we were reminiscing about a throwback TV show we both loved. It got me thinking: What TV/movie character from back in the day did you relate to? And because I'm nosy, tell me why.

Alternatively, what is your go-to drink order? I mean adult beverage, since some of my coworkers are dragging me out for Taco Tuesday after our shift, but if you don't drink alcohol, feel free to go with your go-to coffee or tea or whatever you want.

customs for all [24 May 2022|08:14pm]

hello, i'm patrick, and here is a series of questions to determine our compatibility:

dogs or cats
coffee or tea
over or under
push or pull
hot or cold

there may be follow up questions as i'm a huge fan of data, cheers

customs if you want them! [11 May 2022|02:46pm]

i'm stan and between all the women in my life, i am constantly overrun by squishmallows. what is a fun fact about you?

customs 🌷 [29 Mar 2022|01:17pm]

hello, i’m rosalyn. while this weather certainly doesn’t feel like it, i promise you all that spring is on the horizon! and as the zombies say, it’s the time of the season when love runs high. so tell me what’s currently in bloom for you: whether it be a new relationship, a career change, vacation plans, etc.. or what’s your favorite spring time activity? or share your favorite quote on love.

[21 Mar 2022|09:42pm]

I'm Charlie and I want to know: audio, e-, or print book? If you don't read, why not?

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