lifestyle: π˜ͺ𝘯𝘡𝘳𝘰𝘴's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
lifestyle: π˜ͺ𝘯𝘡𝘳𝘰𝘴

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customs for sale or rent! ama and i might answer! [24 Jul 2023|10:51pm]

heya i'm dr. jack or just jack. i love disney movies and musicals. i love board games and trivia nights. i only manage to find time to make a meal once a week and i try to live off it as much as possible.
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈgive me your crockpot recipes?
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈtell me a joke?
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈwhat's your fav romcom?
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈhave you ever been in love?
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈhow do you like to sleep?
πŸ‘©πŸ»β€βš•οΈwhat was your last dream and what do you think it means?
216 ✧

ama, customs for the damned, ryn rossi at your service. [24 Jun 2023|02:09am]

what's up, boston? i'm ryn and i'm originally from texas but i've been in town for almost 15 years. my favorite shows are horrible ghost hunting bs on traveltv, the most cheesy fantasy/sci-fi, and period dramas (preferably with ghosts)! i like any and all horror but the best is b horror with tits and unimaginable plots. i'll clean your teeth if you'll tell me a story (and your insurance works). i'm in the middle of a romantic drought so hit me up if you think i'm cute, i'll talk your ear off. chew your ear off? eh, whatever you're into. liberal men and any and all women please apply. is the appropriate sarcasm coming through at the right moments? only time will tell.
β˜„οΈwhat song is killing it in your head?
πŸ›Έ what movie defines your childhood?
πŸͺ what food always makes you feel better?
πŸ‘½ do you believe in aliens/ghosts/supernatural affairs?
πŸ‘Ύ what do you do when you can't sleep?
149 ✧

customs cause i am fun as hell [21 Jun 2023|05:01pm]

i'm leya, and i've been back in town for legit a couple of days, trying to catch up on everything and everyone that i missed, even tho i was really only gone for a couple months. they were formative months though. my dad who's been a widow for like 25 years finally got himself a new man. my baby got her first two teeth, at once cause she's out here trynna be an overachiever and shit and try every last nerve i got, and i managed not to strangle my baby daddy to death, all mf victories. so tell me friends, what's something new and fun that's happened to/for you recently?

also, i am wholly and completely shameless, so make sure to visit black plastic for all your shapewear & lingerie needs (nsfw-ish)
79 ✧

[05 Jun 2023|09:48pm]

• please welcome our newest members of ~lifestyle! introductions should be made here in ~arrive and reply to the majority of comments by thursday, june 8th. thank you for joining us, and we hope you enjoy your time here!

• many of you have characters from other active communities in your friends list. please clear your friends list of these journals. if you are found with active journals from other communities friended during mid-month checks, you will be removed.

• if you are interested in creating a subcomm, please contact the mods in the members post!

• check out the extras journal for the events and birthday dropboxes, prompt tables, and more.


πŸŽ‚ lornashore 6/6
πŸŽ‚ gingerling 6/12
πŸŽ‚ undead 6/21
πŸŽ‚ add yours here!

πŸ—“ pages of pride sundays in june
πŸ—“ pride for the people 6/10
πŸ—“ love-aguilar reception 6/11
πŸ—“ add yours here!
ajurnamat, dunkindonuts, foal, krang, reminder, rodeos, seagoat, squicked, teenie, thinkpiece

trashbat (intro)


customs [14 May 2023|10:02pm]

spent the weekend babysitting my niece, letting her watch true crime shows to her hearts content, which according to my brother you're not supposed to let an eight year old do. who knew?

tell me something exciting you got up to this past weekend. you can make it up if you're boring, i'll believe you anyway
58 ✧

customs, get your pipin' hot customs! [06 Apr 2023|10:14am]

morning, beautiful people. call me elias if you'd like, or mr. keyes if you're nasty. a few nights ago, between bingeing youtube videos about true crime and gamers who kill, i decided to spend way too much money on beads for necklaces and bracelets. this morning i woke up with all this supplies and no one to start making jewelry with. so, this is an open invitation for y'all to come hang out at my shop and make something with me. warning, though, it is an adult store, so expect someone to make a necklace that spells out dick and a bracelet that spells out balls. (i'm going to be that someone.) if you're not into friendship bracelets, tell me about your last impulsive, big purchase and whether you regret it or not.
25 ✧

[02 Apr 2023|11:57am]

it's me, hi, i'm trevor or trev if you're feeling lazy, and every time i write "it's me, hi" i want to break out in song. you can decide for yourself whether that is good or bad. anyway, let's talk problems, shall we? what extremely first world problems were you forced to deal with in march? the more ridiculous the better. if you were lucky enough to be entirely unscathed, then tell me about the last time you had to ask "am i the asshole?"
19 ✧

spin the wheel to receive a custom, or some pocket lint maybe. dealers choice [13 Mar 2023|04:04pm]

i grew up wanting to front a hair metal band, probably cause i spent my formative years on planes buses and the like. then i wanted to join the WWF as he tag team partners with bret the hitman hart. or maybe be a bushwhacker. or get to share damian with jake the snake. instead i became a doctor of animals. which is a pretty dope gif in its own right. what’d you want to do as a kid? is it close to what you ended up doing?
89 ✧

customs are in the air~ [07 Mar 2023|11:11am]


what's up? i'm theo and there are plenty of familiar faces here, but there's always more introductions to be made. as long as you're not one of my third grade students asking me why i have shadows under my eyes, we'll be awesome.

but setting aside sass, what's your favorite flower? my favorite's sweet william and as a fun fact, it's edible. if you don't have one, what's your favorite thing to do outside?

91 ✧

customs for the low, low price of free~ [07 Mar 2023|03:09am]


hey there, i'm jude and i'm pretty sure i already know some of you. for those of you i don't, i'm hoping it'll be nice to meet you πŸ‘‹

since my days are filled with all kinds of cute and cuddly critters of all shapes and sizes, i'm humbly requesting pictures of the non-human members of your family. if you don't have any or you're not feeling particularly generous, give me an animal and i'll tell you something about them. if all else fails, just say hi or ask a question and we'll go from there!
156 ✧

Customs welcome! [04 Mar 2023|12:53am]

[ mood | bouncy ]

Hello, Boston! I'm Abby and a brand new transplant from Maine. I'm working as a photographer and social media influencer for a tattoo shop. I'm rooming with the sweet as pie [info]mnemonic in Jamaica Plain. What was your first big person apartment like?

98 ✧

let's start with a custom and see where things go [24 Feb 2023|08:01pm]

hey what's up i'm cameron and i want to know what made you realize, "toto, i don't think we are in our 20's anymore". if you happen to be at that golden age, then please explain to me what the hell rizz is so i can text the family group chat back acting like i know what's going on
174 ✧

c'mon give those customs to daddy. [14 Feb 2023|01:03pm]

New York born and bred. Real estate indie game designer. professional big spoon. By day I program and design video games. But when the laptop and work phone shut down. I enjoy trying local restaurants (originally from Brooklyn, so I fold my pizza in half), hiking and camping in the woods, skinny-dipping late at night, playing video games together competitively (Toad, is my main man), and traveling or exploring new places – what is your ideal way to unwind after a long day?
94 ✧

[14 Feb 2023|07:19am]

good morning boston. I'm kent and i've recently discovered black rifle canned coffee; its delicious, but gives me the jitters every time without fail despite the fact that I consider myself a multiple-cups-of-coffee-a-morning sort of guy. nonetheless, I find myself about to grab one. what fuels your day OR what do you keep doing despite proof that it may not be the best thing for you.

ps: mid alert, those bigass stanley cups are back in stock through stanley, you're welcome.
112 ✧

customs are my jam. on toast. wheat because my taste buds have matured. [07 Feb 2023|02:35pm]

but i'm also very into this heidi's raspberry red chile ginger jam. i put that shit on everything. sorry, that's from a frank's hot sauce commercial and totally unrelated. hello, good folks. i'm henry. what are you currently very into?
35 ✧

customs! [05 Feb 2023|07:23pm]

i am charlie.

if you became a ghost tomorrow, who would be the first person you'd haunt and why?
36 ✧

customs & your best quote of 2023? [05 Feb 2023|12:18am]

Hello, one and all. My name's Milo, you can call me that or Fin. It is late right now and I'm trying to figure out if I want to bake cookies or fold my laundry. I think cookies sound a lot better. Does anyone have late night rituals or routines that you like to do? Yes, this all doesn't sound normal. I suffer from insomnia and tend to be up pretty late.
53 ✧

customs or jokes [16 Jan 2023|01:02am]

Why hello there! i'm theodore, or theo for short. i am currently overlooking this manual on how to get this odd around vacuum working. not sure why i was gifted this. it's been puzzling me for a few days. riddle me this, what has been profoundly baffling to you lately? left you so stumped you had to call your ex of either gender for a little help. only to have her ex-wife yell at you for an hour. and that hour of my life i will never get back. i sit here filled with regret on even calling her.
75 ✧

[06 Jan 2023|11:01pm]

i'm alex, and i just stuffed my face with so much sushi that i might actually explode. without actually naming the category, give me your top five, any top five.
226 ✧

Customs 'cause I'm an old man. [01 Jan 2023|01:54pm]

Hey all, the name's Leon. Resident grumpy, ole biker who's taking time to write his next horror novel. If you were the final person in a horror film, what's the song playing during your showdown with the big baddie?
140 ✧

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