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Thread: Fangs and Ghosts [12 Apr 2015|05:00pm]
Who: Avery Stoker & Eric Northman
Where: Fangtasia
When: Sometime recently (TBD)
What: Avery got a ticket to check out this new club in town and goes to check it out.
Rating: TBD

Drinks weren't an option for her. Not legally. )
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Thread: Internships [12 Apr 2015|05:19pm]
Who: Dani & Meru
Where: Meru's Office
When: April 10 (backdated)
What: Dani comes to talk to Meru about that internship.
Rating: PG

Her dreams were geared more toward space not . . . no, this would be good )
23 comments|post comment

[12 Apr 2015|09:07pm]
Who: Meg and Eric
Where: Out and about town
When: Saturday April 11
What: A date of dinner and dancing.
Rating: tbd

Come dream with me tonight )
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[ viewing | April 12th, 2015 ]
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