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Welcome to The Pie Hole [07 Mar 2015|10:30am]
Who: Thranduil & Aithne
Where: The Pie Hole
When: Saturday Morning
What: Another day at The Pie Hole
Rating: TBD

Can you just smell how delicious that pie smells? )
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[07 Mar 2015|10:37am]
Who: John Watson & Logan Howlett
Where: Arkwright University
When: One Monday Morning
What: John's first day in school
Rating: TBD

First Day In School )
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[07 Mar 2015|11:54am]
Who: Claire and ???
Where: Dorms/party
When: Saturday, March 7
What: Moving in! And then the party that Cael invites her to.
Rating: SFW, PG in case of cursing?
Status: Open

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[07 Mar 2015|02:40pm]
Who: Jack & Cael
Where: Kappa Gamma Mu Dorm
When: Friday
What: Jack heard noises from Cael's bedroom and as usual, decided to pry.
Status: Completed!
Rating: PG (for a little cursing here and there, and the some sex talk)

What is that noise? )
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[07 Mar 2015|08:06pm]
Who: Kaisa & Cael
Where: Kappa Gamma Mu Dorm
When: Saturday at 8
What: Kappa Party
Rating: R-ish

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