Arda: Genesis

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Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
I'm standing on a precipice; a narrow one, with an abyss on either side. The relentless wind buffets my back, uncertain in its quest to buoy me up or dash me to the rocks below.

(I'm also wallowing in melodramatic, metaphorical pretentiousness and it makes me want to hurl. Ooh, visual aid.)

I don't like fine lines, but I could learn to enjoy the entertainment aspect. At least my disgust has a practical outlet now, instead of the endless corrosion of my own entrails. And I look good wearing a smug smile.

I'll be introspective to a nauseating degree and interrogate myself about the uncharacteristic balancing act because it'd be nice to know if it's a weakness or self-preservation or both. And then there's the fact that my new convictions come with a much higher possibility of death by slow deliberate torture. Turn-on or turn-off? Hm.

current mood: uncomfortable

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