Arcana clone - August 1st, 2006 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Arcana clone

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August 1st, 2006

[Aug. 1st, 2006|04:30 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tracey_arcana)

Who: Pansy & Tracey
Where: Girl's dorm
When: After lunch on Tuesday
What: Tracey asks a favour of Pansy
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Maybe. Theodore's an enabler. )
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[Aug. 1st, 2006|06:17 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]pansy_arcana)

when Tuesday Evening, after discussion in Pansy's journal.
who Pansy and Theodore
where Slytherin common room/7th Year Boy's Dorm
synopsis Pansy and Theo do a bit of drinking, discuss Tracey and Draco, and then confessions and advances are made. Fortunately, our heroes are a bit too addled to remember.
rating R. For alcohol, some language, and sexual discussion.

Consequences be damned; he loved this woman. )
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[Aug. 1st, 2006|10:52 pm]


Who: Daphne and Pansy
What: Drunken admissions and cuteness
When: Tuesday, 30 Sept – night, after this
Where: Girl's dormitory
Rating: G
Status: Complete

There once was a princess named Violet… )
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[Aug. 1st, 2006|11:29 pm]


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]susan__arcana)

Who: Neville, Susan and Romilda
When: Wednesday, 24 September 1997
What: Plant wrestling, chatting
Where: Hufflepuff table to Greenhouses
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Heeere planty… )
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