Posts Tagged: 'haine+rammsteiner'

Jun. 4th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Everyone
Where: The Apex
When: Day 5, Noon
What: Mini game!

[A very clear call can be heard in all territories; it's Game time. By the time you make your way to the Apex, the place has changed slightly... there's still an unnatural whiteness around the area, but all the teams have been herded into a large round room with no ceiling, with six doors around them. They're still locked, of course. A large chest is in the center of the room, with a certain white-haired Cinis sitting on it, waiting and looking bored.

The temperature is currently sitting at 13°C/56°F.]

Took you guys long enough.

May. 30th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Fulmen
Where: Fulmen territory
When: Day 04, post raid

[Arriving back at Fulmen today, we have some hunks of bloody meat turning the chocobos red, one powerhouse with a floppy arm, and a girl with purple hair passed out and laid sideways across X's chocobo.]

[We are in good shape here. :|b]

May. 29th, 2010



[No Subject]

Who: Fulmen, Tonitrum
Where: Tonitrum territory
When: Day 04, Afternoon
What: RAID

[There is at least one very danger pinkie charging toward Toni's camp on her chocobo!]

May. 25th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Nest, Hawk, Fulmen
Where: Approaching Fulmen territory
When: Day 4, early morning
What: Visits!

[There are two very purple chocobos approaching Fulmen territory. Neither of the two riders look very intimidating or armed, at least at first glance. Both of them stop about 200 meters away from the closest tower, waiting.]

May. 18th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Beam, Joy, Imber's Cinis, Fulmen!
Where: Fulmen
When: Day 03, Afternoon
What: Meetings!

*A couple on blue chocobo, and presumably one on black approaching Fulmen territory. They sure don't LOOK armed*

May. 15th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Fulmen, Open
Where: Beginning in No Man's Land and passing through Tonitrum/Aura territory
When: Day 3, Late Morning
What: ... Tree Dragging

[ Early this morning, team Fulmen could be seen riding out of the fort, the majority of them heading out into No Man's Land. After much physical labor and testing weight limits, the team is heading back towards Fulmen at a much more sedated pace. ]

[ Mostly because one member of the team is dragging almost 500lbs of tree behind him on foot. ]

Kill kill kill kill...

May. 8th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Everyone
Where: All over
When: Day 2, Evening
What: Starfall

[With the cloud cover of ash, it's more or less impossible to see any stars, much less the beautiful meteor shower that's been going on all day, unbeknownst to the lot of you. Fortunately, some of them decided to come by and say hi.

They come blazing out of the ash and leaving craters from five to twenty feet all around the canyon. Fortunately, none take out any buildings, but each team was 'fortunate' enough to have one falling star tear up the earth in their territory. They're incredibly hot pieces of metal, ranging in size from a golfball to a grapefruit, and maybe after they've cooled they'll be retrievable. Maybe after you retrieve them you will find that they're oddly pearl colored in nature, quite pretty, really.

These stars fall out of the sky, one at a time, until there are ten new creators scattered throughout the canyon.]

((While this will be RELEVANT TO LATER HAPPENINGS, this post itself is just for interaction, or gathering up/fighting over the fallen stars, should you wish.))

May. 7th, 2010


[No Subject]

What: NEW KID, NEW KID /o/ going through the weapons pile.

. . . too big . . . too small. . . . Ah, this one is just right.

May. 4th, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Fulmen
Where: The Fort
When: Day 2, early morning
What: Fallout

[The raiding party, it returns! But at least one member of it is going to slow his chocobo down to a cautious trot when he registers newly-formed crater in front of the tower.]


May. 2nd, 2010


[No Subject]

Who: Fulmen, Aura
Where: Aura territory
When: Day 1, late late night
What: All your base are belong to us

[Outside the Aura farmhouse tonight, three members of Fulmen are on the move. Translation: INCOMING.]

Apr. 27th, 2010



[No Subject]

Who: Fulmen
Where: The Fort, Fulmen Territory
When: Day 1, night
What: Testing out their capabilities, as they had been planning--and possibly meeting their Cinis!

You know, it really feels good to keep busy like this.