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Oct. 1st, 2009


sticking a fork in it, calling it done

Hello. Again. My name is Des. I'm full of fail. As usual.

Unfortunately this is the end of the line for me, and I really do mean it this time. I've been pulling in extra time at work and I was told it would be done by the end of September, and yes, it is over. But 'lo and behold, it's October and I just told my roommates I'll be home around 11, now my norm. I've been assigned new projects to work on that are going to eat up all of my free time, again. It's not nice of me to keep prolonging this, and I know we planned great things, but I think the RP gods are out to get me. So I'm bowing out which I'm sorry that means that AN is now officially closed. I'm sorry we went out with a whimper, but it's time to call it a day.

Definitely don't be strangers. My RP buzz has been officially and forcibly burnt out of me, but don't hesitate to give me pokes or mock me. As some of you found out, part of my new duties include handling menial tasks for my superiors, like loading their puppy videos on youtube instead of letting me have the night off. Joy. I'll definitely be needing a few jokes.

I wish everyone all the best. Thank you so much for putting up with me for as long as you did, and I shall see you all around.

Sep. 15th, 2009



I am putting a thread for the killing death thing here so I can check it easily!

Sep. 2nd, 2009


Ok guys, before I put my stuff up, I just want to clear out WHO IS ON MY TEAMS.

Team Lucas: Thierry, Lupe, James

Team Rashel/Quinn: Daphne, Ash

Team Galen: Dalis, Aidan, Winnie, (Later: Keller & Ilianna(?))

Team Delos: Verbena, Jill, Poppy.

Team Jez: Nilsson, Rowan, Kestrel

Healers: Rhys, Blaise, Thea, Mary-Lynette, Lys, Claire

Team Evil: Samuel Lanner, Theo, Thane, Zoe, Red Fern, Vera, Ovidia

Edit: BTW, we passed the one year mark like a week ago.


Logistical holes? I have found them

One more thing! Or maybe a few more things all stemming from a few things

I’m thinking we should break up the battle into two parts. We’ve got the beginning already starting up so people can figure out how they’re getting in. Then we’ll have a second parter dealing with a little later in the fight, with some people coming back for healing, some people going in as second reinforcements, etc etc.

I realized just now that we’ve got healers and such who might have some difficulty posting considering it’s dependant upon people getting injured and falling back. This way people can go back, get healed, cry over the dead, etc. Also, I know we’ve got a few people working their way from the inside out, so it’ll be nice to see them come out the other side. And thirdly, it’s also to get a good sense of the passage of time through the battle. It’s silly to think they can just walk in and out in the course of a few minutes.

...I think I’m explaining this very badly. Clearly 2 cups of coffee isn’t enough. I SHALL COME BACK WHEN I AM CAFFEINATED PROPERLY.

EDIT: I'm just going to edit here and not spam the ooc board anymore than I already have, but LISA! Theo! Do you have a Team that you would like to attack, if any? I'm prepping my big bad NPCs for each team but if you've got one you're eyeing, I don't want to throw 2 dragons at them.


Mental note from me...

... approval from everyone else (including Des).

  • Thane & Zoe: starts off with Sienna before switching sides?
  • Ash: is with Team Rashinn
  • Blaise: is with Mr. Labcoats :d
  • James: more than likely with Lupe

    -scratches head-
  • Aug. 27th, 2009




    That is really all. <3 <3. /random

    Aug. 26th, 2009


    Notes on Thierry's last posty post!

    Just a little OOC clarification on our fearless leader's post:

    1) I'm not assigning teams because we all play multiple characters and it's just too much hassle to remember and make sure a team doesn't have all or most of the characters played by one person. Plus when the actual thread goes up, who knows what everyone's schedules are looking like. I figure everyone will coordinate ooc-ly who wants to be where or join in when they can on the actual thread. As usual, just use your discretion.

    2) The number of PCs per team is, again, up to you. I only designated point people because the WPs should all be helping (and separately would work better for our posting purposes), Galen has his own objective to tackle first and then he can go kill everything, and Quinn and Rashel just make a good team period, and hopefully good team leaders. I threw in a bit about the security staff joining in so no one feels like they're outnumbered against the dragons or whoever they face off at the fortress. Feel free to kill and move the security staff however you see fit. I would say a group of four goes with each team. They are a mishmash of humans, vamps, witches, and shifters (whichever you want). And they have weapons! They get AK-47s (what? It's canon)!

    3) Actual thread will be going up this weekend so everyone can get a few more last minute threads up and running before they go. Of course, happy handy fluid time constraints don't prevent you from doing any more posting after the battle thread goes up, but sometimes it's good just to know the exact headspace your character in before they charge into battle.

    Is there anything else? I'm not sure. But poke me here if I've missed something.

    Aug. 24th, 2009



    I'm here.

    Just.... hiding...

    But... yeah... anyone want to do something!?

    Thegn, Blaise, James, Ash, Zoe....... pick one!!!

    Aug. 19th, 2009



    Hey guys. I know I've been kind of lame, as life has been pretty lame. And I know the game is closing and all. but I really want to go out with a bang. Anyone want to thread with any of my girls? Vera will still be causing trouble in any way she can so if Samuel wants to have more fun let me know.

    Claire needs some.. techy help stuff to do, and Poppy is ready to kill some evul things. (Even if James and Phillip wouldn't want her to!).

    Just let me know, I have today and tomorrow off and plenty of time to write threads!


    Aug. 12th, 2009


    In case you weren't sure why I was ending things, I like to think the time between the last ooc post and today speaks for itself. I suck. But I promised and end, I will do my best to give it. So if you're here, and you want to kill things, I will be here. Run that f-list adder and volunteer to fight the good fight.

    Jul. 17th, 2009


    please re-friend + re-add this journal + [info]theah?

    Jul. 9th, 2009


    The time has come

    Alright my dears, the inevitable is upon us. It’s no secret that’s it’s been harder and harder to get us all here. We keep having the best of intentions but things come, shiny things distract us, life happens, and I know I can say that I can no longer give AN all the time I should give it. And I know I’m not the only one. We’ve had a very good run, particularly with a small and non-existent fandom that Night World is. AN was just shy of a year mark. And a few of us had just passed the year mark for playing our characters. I had an amazing time here and I hope you did too. Maybe we’ll do this again. Maybe we won’t. But I had a damn good run here and I’m glad that I had a chance to meet and rp with you all.

    Anyway, mushiness aside, in light of last development, I would like to put a call out to end this whole thing on a bang rather than a whimper. We’ve got the WPs awakened and a Big Bad Redhead with an army of dragons in her castle. All those who are still here, you’re invited to take part in the festivities. Be your characters. Be NPC daybreakers! Be NPC dragons! Let’s go out in style! Post here with your ideas and desires of how you want your characters go about things.

    So far we've got

    Inside the Fortress of Doom (which is really just a secluded 3 story manor with basement/dungeonthing on the outskirts of Las Vegas):

    YOU, yes YOU

    Cast your vote! GOOD? EVILE? TAKE YOUR PICK! I miss my paid account. It would be fun with a poll. Ah well.

    Goodies: 3
    Baddies: 0

    Jun. 22nd, 2009



    ... slowly, I return...

    ... very slowly.

    What the hell has happened? Too lazy to read.

    Jun. 13th, 2009


    can i abuse your character?

    Not seriously. But! Lupe and Nilsson are working on figuring out if people are dragons. Is it okay to assume that they've talked with the characters at the mansion already? Obviously, Keller and Nissa are MIA, y? And Galen helpfully points out to check for horns?

    So basically this is to wave to people to know that this is going on, and we can just assume people were talked to and okayed, but if you would like to point out something weird that might go down, please comment! Or if you'd just like to scene it out for kicks!

    Otherwise Tracy and I are going to have Nilsson and Lupe try to figure out what to do now! And I don't know what the answer is, so that'll be fun.

    Jun. 10th, 2009


    augh augh apologies

    Sorry for sort-of-vanishing but I got a job and it's lots-of-travel-time away from home and I kept thinking that I didn't really need to call a hiatus until I got things sorted out, y'know? and blah blah excuses I'm SORRY >.<

    So, not a hiatus as such. I just have much less free time for posting and I'm very sorry for going quiet for so long >.< I just didn't expect to be quite so knackered. I am available for threads, but annoyingly, they will end up being slow going since I'm not online anywhere near as much now. Feel free to use my lot as you see fit in-between times, though!

    augh, god, made of faaaaaaaaaail

    Jun. 5th, 2009



    THIS IS DES YOUR MODLY LEADER. I AM OPERA--I should stop yelling. I'm operating on no sleep (whee, 30 hours and counting) today so forgive me if I sound jumbled and/or insane. In case you have noticed THINGS ARE AFOOT. Now, what does this mean for you? Possibly nothing. Possibly everything! That really depends on you.

    For those with soulmates, things should be returning back to normal. Lucas has finally awakened and Iliana’s braces is weakening so Old Powers are a-flowin. How sudden, quickly, or slowly you wish for your soulmates to remember each other is up to you! I love giving options.

    As for a rescue, info should be filtering back in with some leads so if your character wants to be in, you should say so. Preferably in character.

    I had things to say but I have lost them. Obviously more caffeine is needed. Ciao!

    Jun. 4th, 2009



    I'M BACK. SUP?

    May. 26th, 2009


    i need actual hilarious ooc pics for him

    Hey! I'm going out of town Friday the 29th - Friday the 5th (actually the 4th, but who knows if I'll be around Thurs night). So! If you need anything, ask now. I won't have the internets while I'm gone :(

    If the Vincent thread is still going on, feel free to skip Quinn! And if you need to NPC my characters, go for it.

    I'll want scenes from all of you when I get back <3!

    May. 23rd, 2009


    catch up

    Mel wanted to be caught up, Nomes told me to put it in the OOC so ta-da!

    Previously on AN (I’m going way, way back to just post-attack): )

    Anyone add in things I missed!

    May. 9th, 2009



    I'm sorry for my lack of updates. Working again has been kind of throwing me for a loop. SO! I have Sunday-Wednesday off. If anyone wants my kidlets let me know!

    Vera is promised for a Thane Post.. where she's not going to be happy at all, after that I guess I should get to more evil doings against the goodie-goods.

    Poppy is staying with Witch-friends in Vegas instead of with Phillip (whom she is fighting with) and instead of the mansion (because James still doesn't remember her). She's very open. Anyone want plot? Anyone want to attack her? Prophetic weird dreams? plz?



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