May. 31st, 2008


Last day of May

In honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, I wrote and recced fics as well as picspammed celebrating characters and characters played by actors of Asian and/or Pacific Islander heritage across various fandoms.

My fics featuring Asian/Pacific Islander characters:
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Fandom Roundups
Roundup #1 - Pictures
Roundup #2 - Fics

Fusion Stories Asian Pacific Heritage Month For Young Readers • May 2008
I found this via Angry Asian Man and decided to include it into this roundup because they're "Ten new contemporary novels by Asian Americans aren’t traditional tales set in Asia nor stories about coming to America for the first time". I don't know about you, but I plan to pick up some of these books to read.

May. 23rd, 2008


APAHM Roundup #2

In fandoms across the board, there are wonderful characters (and actors of those characters) of Asian and Pacific Island heritage. In this roundup, I've gathered fanfic, fanart, and fanvids of those characters. This is only a small sample of fanworks in a few fandoms.

The fandoms are: Captain Planet, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Grey's Anatomy, Hard Boiled, Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, Harry Potter, Hero (2002 movie), Heroes, High School Musical, House, Kill Bill, MLB RPS, The Office (US), Smallville, Soccer RPS, Stargate Atlantis, Storm Riders, Torchwood.

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May. 16th, 2008


APAHM Roundup #1

In fandoms across the board, there are wonderful characters (and actors of those characters) of Asian and Pacific Island heritage. In this roundup, I've gathered pictures of those characters, celebrating their beauty and diversity.

Battlestar Galactica
Number Eight )

Angela Montenegro )

Jing-Mei Chen, Neela Rasgotra )

Grey's Anatomy
Cristina Yang )

Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle
Harold Lee, Kumar Patel )

Harry Potter
Cho Chang, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil )

Ando Masahashi, Hiro Nakamura, Mohinder Suresh )

House M.D.
Lawrence Kutner )

High School Musical
Gabriella Montez (played by Vanessa Hudgens) )

Kill Bill
O-Ren Ishii, Gogo Yubari )

Law & Order SVU
George Huang )

Lipstick Jungle
Victory Ford (played by Lindsay Price) )

Jin-Soo Kwon, Sun-Hwa Kwon )

The Office (US)
Kelly Kapoor )

Lana Lang (played by Kristin Kreuk) )

Stargate Atlantis
Ronon Dex (played by Jason Momoa) )

Star Trek TOS
Hikaru Sulu )

Star Trek Voyager
Harry Kim )

Tosh Sato )

The Wire
Kima Greggs (played by Sonja Sohn) )

Chien-Ming Wang, Daisuke Matsuzaka, Hideki Matsui, Johnny Damon, Ichiro Suzuki, Kosuke Fukudome )

Hines Ward, Junior Seau, Lofa Tatupu, Tedy Bruschi )

Additions from [info]lilithilien (in the comment below)