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User: [info]bloodkey
Date: 2010-04-08 07:54
Subject: Bloodkey- An Original Survival Horror Game
Security: Public
Tags:action, adventure, horror

[ B L O O D K E Y ]

[info]bloodkey is a group psl loosely based on Doomsday as well as a number of other sources of zombie media. It follows the journey of a small group of survivors as they struggle to figure things out in the middle of a zombie apocalypse of unknown origins.

A mutated strain of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, human mad-cow disease, has broken out across the United States. The nastier symptoms, however, resemble Ebola. Some infected humans become zombies and some merely die a gruesome death. Animals are not able to become zombies; they only die. So far, nobody knows why. It becomes apparent that these zombies must bite you in order to infect you. They are after blood, flesh, and brains. They are a mix of the traditional leg-dragging variety and the faster type popular in modern media. The longer they've been dead, the slower they will be due to rigor mortis. Like muscle memory, the longer they've been deceased, the more their brain forgets. The virus that mutates them makes it so that consuming the living will hold off their own disintegration.

Originally taken over by military scientists for research and testing, the local prison in LOA, UTAH and its surrounding grounds have become a stronghold for survivors. It is known as The Compound. In The Compound, survivors follow a system of government that is a combination of martial law and protectionism. The Triumvirate, a council of two men and one woman, leads The Compound. After toiling long and hard, the scientists have narrowed down that the key to zombification lies in individuals' blood types.

Yet for some unknown reason, some of these zombies are smarter than others. They live on the outskirts of the town, instead of dying off and rotting. With more capacity for thought processing and emotional range, they have become a band of cannibalistic rebels.

As the red moon rises over HELL, MICHIGAN, where our survivors start off their journey, these opposing factions compete over resources in a literal life-and-death struggle. Where the survivors go next is up to you.

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