InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Sale

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In order to continue to beef up the sites cash reserves for some upcoming server projects we are holding a sale

First off regular paid accounts are being sold for a significant discount

1month $3
6 months $8
12 months $15

In addition we are selling Permanently Insane accounts for $40 (%20 off the regular price when they do go on sale)

As well we are putting our rarest item up for sale right now Insane Userpics gives you access to 5000 userpics. This rare item is only available if you have a Permanently Insane account and costs $150.

If you do purchase the Insane Userpics option, please allow 48 hours for it to be activated as this is a manual process.

Thanks for supporting InsaneJournal.
  • i'm always glad to support this site whether sale or not but i still haven't received a rename that i paid for on 8/7.
    • same. I bought two renames and I still haven't recieved them, even after putting in two support tickets. I doubt I'll continue to buy any more.
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