InsaneJournal Announcements

The continuing fight against spam

InsaneJournal Announcements

The continuing fight against spam

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To continue our ongoing battle against the spam accounts that are continually being created here on InsaneJournal, we have implemented the industry standard "reCAPTCHA" system on our account creation page.

Please let us know ASAP if you run into any problems creating accounts now that this is in place.
  • and a lot of journals haven't been used for comments, have no friends and aren't members of asylums. you can see all of that in the ui. some people hold on to journals just to hoard them so no one else can
    • Fine... Delete squatter journals. But not just journals with no posts, as you originally said.
    • Hoarding 3 year old journals isn't the problem. Spammer activity is the problem. And spammers DO post entries and comment. That's why they're spammers. Deleting on the basis of comments would not help anything.
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