InsaneJournal Announcements

The continuing fight against spam

InsaneJournal Announcements

The continuing fight against spam

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To continue our ongoing battle against the spam accounts that are continually being created here on InsaneJournal, we have implemented the industry standard "reCAPTCHA" system on our account creation page.

Please let us know ASAP if you run into any problems creating accounts now that this is in place.
  • why don't you delete journals that have never been updated?
    • Lots of people create journals to comment, watch closed asylums, read friends locked pages, use a friends list, etc.
      • and a lot of journals haven't been used for comments, have no friends and aren't members of asylums. you can see all of that in the ui. some people hold on to journals just to hoard them so no one else can
        • Fine... Delete squatter journals. But not just journals with no posts, as you originally said.
        • Hoarding 3 year old journals isn't the problem. Spammer activity is the problem. And spammers DO post entries and comment. That's why they're spammers. Deleting on the basis of comments would not help anything.
  • So despite going into accounts I wanted to save and undeleting them, about half my journals got deleted and purged. As someone who frequently buys renames and paid time, this is so frustrating. I don't hoarde journal names, but some of the ones purged were important to me. Is there any way you can address this? It's frustrating to discover that after spending time re-activating journals, this is the outcome. Especially as, having asked around, it seems I'm far from the only person this happened to.
    • The same happened to me, and I lost a lot of entries.
      • same here, wasn't a pretty sight.
        • The weird thing is that the journals I lost had more entries than the journals I didn't lose. I don't get it.
          • Same here. It's so frustrating because I made a point to undelete the ones I wanted to keep, and the one I least wanted deleted out of the whole bunch is the one that's gone. And I double checked every account after switching it back to activated that that's where it was :'(
    • This happened to me. :/
  • Spam Galore When Using "Random Search"

    I just joined Insane Journal and was surprised to see how much many spammers are hijacking your great service. When I used to Random Search to see other blogs, I mostly saw spammers hawking their products. The link below of a supposed Science Blog has links that all go to a site selling the spammer's products:

    Another site pretended to give advice about starting a blog, but when you got about halfway through the article you saw links for handbags the spammer was selling.

    It's disappointing so many of these blogs are misused by spammers and that in the random search it has become almost impossible to find a legitimate blog.
  • But there's still spam comments on this very post from as long as three days ago.

    Would it help at all if you implemented a spambot reporting system like the one LJ has? Every time I see a spambot comment I think to myself, I wish there was some way I could notify the IJ staff about this!
    • Gods, that would be awesome. Seriously would help things too, because it doesn't seem like the purge removed a lot of the journals still running around, spamming stuff.
  • is there any reason why you haven't tried requiring a code to create a journal? even for a short while to turn away some of the spambots
  • This may be a silly idea, but just on the off-chance that it's not... if it helps you at all to have us bring existing spammer journals to your attention, why not do a temporary promotion where if someone is able to report       number of confirmed spambots, they get a free rename?
  • there is a journal i've been looking to rename to and it's been deleted for more than 14 days but it hasn't been purged yet. i was just wondering if there was some kind of backup after the huge purge or if there was something wrong with the journal itself? i'm not trying to be pushy i promise, i just want to know for my own information
  • it's not letting me make a new journal i'll type the correct thing and get that it was invalid
  • That is good news. Hopefully this service will remain free.
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