InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ads

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ads

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Due to forces outside of our control, we have had to change our ad provider. Our previous ad provider decided that we no longer were a fit for them. I was very very happy with this provider, but now have been forced to move onto our second choice.

While this may cause some pain to our end users, ads are an unfortunate necessity to keep the site up and running. If you run into any problems with the ads on the site (i.e. spyware, crashing, or pornographic ads), please let me know so we can resolve this ASAP.

Thank you for your understanding.
  • I just got bombarded with a huge full page ad on my userinfo page that I had to click out of to get back to my profile.

    Like other users have stated, I don't mind the banner ads and I know why IJ needs them, but that huge honking ad was unbelievable!
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