InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ads

InsaneJournal Announcements

New Ads

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Due to forces outside of our control, we have had to change our ad provider. Our previous ad provider decided that we no longer were a fit for them. I was very very happy with this provider, but now have been forced to move onto our second choice.

While this may cause some pain to our end users, ads are an unfortunate necessity to keep the site up and running. If you run into any problems with the ads on the site (i.e. spyware, crashing, or pornographic ads), please let me know so we can resolve this ASAP.

Thank you for your understanding.
  • Like others have said, I totally understand the need for banners and am okay with it. The keywords thing, I'd prefer removed --- I wouldn't mind it so much if they were ONLY on the profile pages, as I don't use them as much except to join comms or to quickly check links. However, being on comment pages and other pages is really aggravating. Just something to think about --- otherwise, I really love the service and thanks for all your hard work!
    • We have already decided to remove the links from the entry pages. You will see it updated in a few hours.
      • Thank you!
      • Oh okay --- well then great!

        Once again, thanks for the service and thanks for the really fast response! :)
      • ... or thanks for not being another LJ that never listens to their users :)
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