InsaneJournal Announcements

TMobile Users

InsaneJournal Announcements

TMobile Users

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Anyone who is trying to access the site from a TMobile phone should now be able to access the site. Looks like their block of addresses got caught back when we were trying to fend off the DDoS attack a few months ago.
  • I took a break from IJ for a few months and now I'm back to find about half of my old journals deleted and purged. I understand from a friend who has told me that there was a purging recently and that it was sent out to the email...

    Problem is, I've changed emails, so I didn't get any sort of notification. Is there anyway that I can access these journals again? There was stuff posted in those journals that I wanted to save and it's highly disheartening to come back and find all of that stuff gone.

    Am I SOL or does someone have any ideas?
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