InsaneJournal Announcements

Username Purge

InsaneJournal Announcements

Username Purge

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We are officially beginning our next username purge immediately. We are going to be setting any account that has been inactive since January 1st, 2010 to a deleted status. The accounts will have a 2 week period before their accounts are purged via the normal nightly purge process. We will not be posting a time when this purge will occur, nor will we be posting a list of purged accounts. If you receive an email stating your account was deleted, you have 2 weeks to log in and undelete the account. Please be aware that even though you don't see any posts or comments on an account, activity can be as simple as logging into the site or looking at your friends' page.

As asylums do not have an associated email address and usage is not as easily tracked, we are not going to include them in this purge. As always if you find an asylum that is inactive and you would like to take over maintainership, open a support request as there is a process to handle this.

These will be handled on a case by case and first come first serve basis.
  • I think it makes absolute sense to delete empty journals, but I really don't like that this applies to journals with entries in them. Some of those journals have memories of people who no longer use the website and probably don't care enough to log in.
    • Seconded. Someone who I've played in an RPG might not care enough to log back in, but I certainly do. I read old RPGs I've been in all the time.
      • All you need to do is log in once, though. If you don't care enough to do that, why should you expect to continue to have your material hosted for free in perpetuity? The cost of keeping an account is astronomically low.
    • Thirded.

      Before the next big purge, it'd be good to get that situated.
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