InsaneJournal Announcements

Notification issues

InsaneJournal Announcements

Notification issues

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We realize that there have been some issues with notifications and other things while the site is running slow during peak hours. We have put in a couple of fixes to help alleviate this problem. We have been on top of it the whole time, just have not been able to communicate it out to the end users due to a lack of time.
  • I have. I know it's not just me because I check the Facebook page and people are saying the same in addition to those I talk to having the same issue too.
    • Hmm, I only see two instances of any problems between the acknowledged outages on March 6th and today on Facebook. What time are you saying it's happening every day?
      • Yesterday it was between 7 & 8. The night before it was later on, around 11-12. It definitely wasn't just me both of those instances because a lot of people I talk to were messaging me asking me if I was having the same problems. And in those instances, I've checked the Facebook and there were posts asking if it's down for anyone else.
        • Weird, I haven't had any trouble at those times of day. I was just saying that there aren't people complaining on facebook every night – only two out of the last six days.
          • jumping in, but it isn't always constant, sometimes it won't let me post a comment and a few seconds later it will let me. sometimes it will just be the site running really slow, but it is happening every other day if not every day
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