InsaneJournal Announcements

Notification issues

InsaneJournal Announcements

Notification issues

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We realize that there have been some issues with notifications and other things while the site is running slow during peak hours. We have put in a couple of fixes to help alleviate this problem. We have been on top of it the whole time, just have not been able to communicate it out to the end users due to a lack of time.
  • hi squeaky. this is the most ridiculous, trivial thing ever, but it's been bothering me for several years now -- in the journal userinfos, right after the bot declaration, there is a piece of html that is slightly wrong, and it's making the AccentBox2 uncentred. like I said, trivial complaint, but if it's within your scope to fix easily, all that needs to be changed is:

    <table cellpadding='5' border='0'><tr><td colspan='2'><h2>


    <table cellpadding='5' border='0'><tr><td colspan='3'><h2>

    right after the "If you are running a bot please visit this policy page outlining rules you must respect."
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