InsaneJournal Announcements

Userpic/Captcha server

InsaneJournal Announcements

Userpic/Captcha server

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We are doing work on the userpic/captcha server. We are aware there are some issues, we hope to have the problem fixed shortly.
  • the site runs horribly at night for the last week or so; if it even loads it takes forever but loading is rare itself. notifications don't come in for hours and then there's a flood of them in the morning. icons are broken, you can't upload new ones. and it's not just once in awhile it's been every night. is anything going to be fixed? or even addressed?
    • correction, it's running horribly this morning too including giving constant error messages when trying to post comments. this is getting really frustrating especially for people who have paid money into the site as recently as a week ago
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