InsaneJournal Announcements

IJ Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

IJ Holiday Sale

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On Friday November 26th at 9:00AM (EST GMT-0400) we will be starting our annual Holiday sale. Our sale prices will be as follows.

Permanently Insane - $35
Permanent Extra Userpics - $20
Insane Userpics - $150

12 month Self-Committed - $20
6 month Self-Committed - $12
1 month Self-Committed - $4

12 month Extra Userpics - $16
6 month Extra Userpics - $8

Rename Token - $4

This prices will only be valid for 24 hours so please be aware.

After that we will be leaving Permanently Insane accounts on sale for the rest of the year at their regular price of $50.
  • Will inactive accounts be purged anytime soon? (I'm fairly certain this will increase the number of rename token sales.) :)
    • Seriously. I've been asking about this exact same thing on just about every news post ever since they "announced" it a few months back, and still haven't gotten an answer. It would be nice to hear something about this already.
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