InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Monitoring

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Monitoring

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We have decided on a site monitoring company and we are rolling it out ASAP. This will give me an alert if the site is unresponsive 24/7.

To help pay for this we are running a small sale on the site for the next week.

1 year Self-Committed[paid] accounts for $25 $20
Rename tokens for $5 $4

Thank you to everyone for continuing to support the site. And we do apologize for the issue last weekend and want to ensure an outage like this never happens again.
  • So I bought a six-month paid account (for a different journal) just a day before you announced the sale. If I were to pay the extra money (five bucks), would it be possible to switch my six-month paid account to a one year paid account?
    • I would also like to know the answer to this for another journal of mine.
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