InsaneJournal Announcements


InsaneJournal Announcements


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The site was indeed down for the majority of the day today. I apologize for this as I didn't have an adequate monitoring systems in place. I will keep everyone updated when I get a new system in place.
  • Hahaha, that would be awesome!
    • Hey, just out of curiosity is the wave of increased spambotting the past month or so due to something particular? I used to get spam comments once in a while, but lately it's been about four a week, is it site-wide, or just me?
      • Its site-wide. The spammers have been relentless.
        • Are they using old journals, or is captcha failing to capture them? XD
          • Looks like humans are creating the accounts, then they throw it at a bot. I need to come up with a better way to detect that so I can throw a captcha at it.
            • I don't know how to create this - or sadly an app to batsignal your phone - but is there any merit to the idea of if you comment more than five times in thirty seconds (or some freakishly fast equivalent that only spambots could be capable of), your comments are subject to captcha verification for... idk, an hour or two?
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