InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane accounts

InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane accounts

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Just a reminder:

From now until January 3rd 4th we are going to be selling Permanently Insane accounts for their regular price of $50. In addition we are selling Permanent Extra Userpics for $25. This will bring the userpic total of your Permanently Insane account to 500 for the life of your account.
  • Is there a reason IJ keeps logging me out of pretty much every journal I have? It never did this before. I make a post, hit submit and I am logged out. I edit an entry, it logs me out. Anyone else?
    • Have you tried logging in on a different computer? Or asking a friend to log in on your account on theirs? That would help narrow it down whether it's a problem with your accounts or not.
    • I'm having a similar issue on this account (don't know if it's with my others). I'm getting logged out of this account purely at random, usually when I refresh a page or open a new one that I've noticed so far.

      Never had it happen to me before either.
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