InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane accounts

InsaneJournal Announcements

Permanently Insane accounts

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From now until January 3rd we are going to be selling Permanently Insane accounts for their regular price of $50. In addition we are selling Permanent Extra Userpics for $25. This will bring the userpic total of your Permanently Insane account to 500 for the life of your account.
  • I don't mean to be a bother, but it appears as though notifications aren't working for anyone. The problem has been persisting for several days now. :-/
    • I completely respect that some people are having problems, but that's not true at all. They're working perfectly for me and several other people I know. The problems seem to be occurring with people who are using AIM,, and SBCGlobal e-mails.
      • Well I've checked with the AOL settings and it isn't being sent to spam folders. So what do we do?
        • I've recommended switching to a gmail address to see if you receive them there, just as an experiment. That would clearly identify whether there's a problem with notifications for your account, or notifications on AOL.
          • its still the same person just a different journal. Gmail isnt working either. I can't even get a confirmation email for a journal I created.
          • I am also not getting them more than a few random ones on a gmail account. And for a few accounts didn't even get the confirm your email address email (one on a gmail and one on a live) so now I can't even post from a few accounts.
      • I use gmail and I'm not getting mine.
      • I use gmail and I'm not getting ANY to this account and on my other accounts, they're spotty at best. I'll get some directly to my journal, but not responses to comments I've left elsewhere or sometimes I don't even get notifications to comments left in the journal either. After talking to at least half a dozen other people and considering the variety of email servers used, I think it's more likely an IJ issue and not an issue with particular e-mail accounts. It probably has more to do with the clusters the journals are on, rather than the email server used.
        • If people on gmail are experiencing difficulties too, you're probably right. Up until yesterday, the only comments on news posts mentioned AIM, SBCGlobal,, or none at all.
          • Any idea when they'll be back?
          • I only just noticed I was having problems the day before yesterday and I imagine that's part of the reason more people haven't complained-- if they're getting notifications here and there, they might not even know they're missing some.
            • It may be a combination of the two. I know that people on AIM and have a history of getting poor/no notifications all the time, and Squeaky has stated in the past that some e-mail providers reject InsaneJournal e-mails as spam. But it sounds like there's another component to it in the last few days.
              • I agree. I think that with whatever problems do exist on a consistent basis, they seem to be kicked up a notch. My friend uses for one of her journals and for the most part, she only misses notifications every once in a while. Now she's having the exact same problem I am, so I'm apt to believe that while and may always cause problems, the problem now lies in the site releasing notifications for certain journals. I even have multiple gmail addresses I use and it's the same whether I switch them around to other servers or not.
      • Yeah, half my players are on Gmail and aren't getting notifs. So that's incorrect. And I use Yahoo.
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