InsaneJournal Announcements

IJ Holiday Sale

InsaneJournal Announcements

IJ Holiday Sale

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We are starting this years InsaneJournal holiday sale. From now until the end of the day Friday, November 27 we are going to be holding a sale on Self-Committed[paid] accounts and Extra Userpics.

The prices are be as follows

1 Month -> $5
6 Month -> $15 $10
12 Month -> $25 $18

Extra Userpicx
6 Month -> $10 $5
12 Month -> $20 $15

Then on Friday November 27th from 8am until 4pm (Eastern US time) we will be running a very special sale on Permanently Insane accounts.
  • What exactly does a permanent account entail? I can't find anything about it anywhere. Are there more userpics? If not, how many more userpics are the permanent extra userpics?

    Sorry if these are dumb questions, I've looked over the FAQ like three times though. :(
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